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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Y names for baby girls

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Yachi, Yachiyo, Yachiko Good luck (japanese)

Yachne God is good (hebrew)

Yaffa, Yaffah Lovely (hebrew)

Yaira, Yairah, Yiera To illuminate (hebrew)

Yaki, Yukika Snow (japanese)

Yakira Dear (hebrew)

Yalena, Yaleena, Yelena Bright - version of Helen (russian)

Yamini Light (hindu)

Yamka Flower blooming (native american)

Yani Peace (aboriginal)

Yara A seagull (aboriginal)

Yarina, Yaryna Peace (russian)

Yarkona Green (hebrew)

Yarmilla Market seller (slavic)

Yarrah A river red gum (aboriginal)

Yashila Successful (hindu)

Yashna Prayer (hindu)

Yasmine, Yasmeen, Yasmeena, Yasmin, Yasmina, Yazmine, Yazmina, Yazmin Flower (arabic)

Yasu, Yasuko, Yasuyo Calm (japanese)

Ye First born of twins (african)

Yelena, Yalena Light (russian)

Yemina, Yemena, Yemana Strong (hebrew)

Yessica, Yesica, Yessika, Yesika, Yessie, Yessy, Yess, Yesseka, Yesseca He see's - version of Jessica (hebrew)

Yiesha Woman (arabic)

Yin Silver (chinese)

Yindi The sun (aboriginal)

Yoanna, Yohanna, Yoana, Yoanne, Yoane, Yoann, Yana, Yanna The Lord is gracious - version of Joanna (hebrew)

Yoi Born in the evening (japanese)

Yoki Bluebird (native american)

Yoko Good, positive (japanese)

Yolanda, Yolande, Yolinda, Yolonda, Yolette, Yoli Purple flower (greek)

Yolata, Yolita Farewell to spring (native american)

Yonina, Yonita, Yonit, Yoni Dove (hebrew)

Yori Honest (japanese)

Yosha Woman (hindu)

Yoshe Lovely (japanese)

Yoshiko, Yoshie, Yoshi, Yoshiyo Quiet (japanese)

Yoshino Fertile land (japanese)

Ysabel, Ysabell, Ysabelle, Ysabella, Ysabela God's promise - version of Isobel / Elizabeth (hebrew)

Yu Jade (chinese)

Yuki, Yukie Snow (japanese)

Yula, Yuliya, Yulenka, Yulia Young - variation of Julia (russian)

Yuri To hear (aboriginal)

Yuriko Lily child (japanese)

Yvette Arrow's bow (french)

Yvonne Yew wood (french)


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