g Baby name finder <$An online baby name dictionary packed full of 1000's of names of all origins with simple to understand meanings$>

Baby names

An online dictionary packed full of baby names from around the world. There are English, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese, Aboriginal, Native American and more, so come and have a look . It's free!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Welcome to Baby name finder

powered by FreeFind
Hello and welcome to the site!

Here you can find meanings and origins of English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Japanese, Chinese, Hawaiian, African, Scandinavian, Native American names and more.

I am always looking for new and
undiscovered names so if you hear
of any then please share!!

I hope you like the site and you find what
you are looking for.

If you need some help with a middle name
then please visit

Baby name combos

