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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

E names for baby girls

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Names for baby girls beginning E

The most popular E names are Emily, Ellie, Emma, Evie,
Eve, Eva and Elise.

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Famous E's are Evangeline Lily (birth name Nicole Evangeline
Lily), actress - plays Kate in the hit series Lost.
Emilie de Ravin, actress - plays Claire in Lost.
Elizabeth Perkins, actress.
Edwina Curry, author and polititian.
Elizabeth Taylor, actress.
Elle Macpherson, model.
Emma Thompson, Actress

Some Celebrity baby E's are
Esther Rose, Ewan McGregor.
Esme, Micheal J Fox's.
Esme, Anthony Edwards.
Ella Bleu, John Travolta and Kelly Preston.
Eva Maria Livia , Susan Sarandon and Franco Amurri.
Elettra-Ingrid - Isabella Rossellini.
Elizabeth Scarlett, Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall.
Elizabeth, Tom Hanks and Samantha Lewes.
Emerson Rose, Teri Hatcher and Jon Tenney.
Emily Marie, Gloria Estefan and Emilio Estefan.
Eve, Bono and Alison.
Ella Corinne, Warren Beatty and Annette Benning.
Euginie, Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson.

Some unusual but cool names are Ebony, Eerin, Effie, Eila,
Eyra, Elaina, Elyana, Esi, Elisa, Ellisa, Eloisa, Emberley,
Ember and Enola.

The name starting to become more popular is Erin

My favourites are Evangeline, Esi, Eloisa and Emma.

Favourite name with meaning is Eda which means Happy.

Here are the E names, their meanings and origins.

Eadoin She has lots of friends (irish)

Eanna Home of the Gods, Anu. (babylonian)

Eara From the east (gaelic)

Earlene, Earla, Earleen, Earley, Erlina, Earline, Earlie, Earlina Leader - feminine version of Earl (english)

Early, Earlie Born early (english)

Eartha, Ertha, Erta The earth (german)

Easlyn Unknown definition (american)

Easter The holiday (english)

Ebba, Ebbe, Eba, Ebbie, Ebby Strong as a boar (scandinavian)

Ebony, Ebonie, Eboni Black (african-american)

Eca Bird (nigerian)

Echo Sound (greek)

Eda, Ede Happy (english)

Edana Tiny Flame (gaelic)

Eden, Edan Pleasure (hebrew)

Eddi, Eddie, Eddy, Edys Protector of property - feminine version of Edward (english)

Edeline Noble (german)

Eden, Eaden, Edina, Edena, Edana, Edin Pleasure (hebrew)

Ediah, Edia, Ediya, Edyah, Edya Decoration for God (hebrew)

Edina, Edena, Edyna, Edeena One from Edinburgh - Scotland (english)

Edita A form of Edith (polish)

Edith, Edithe, Edyth, Eydie, Edie, Edy Prosperous war (english)

Edlyn Small noble girl (english)

Edmee, Edme To love (scottish)

Edmonda Rich protector - female form of Edmund (english)

Edna Happiness (hebrew)

Edrea, Edra Rich (hebrew)

Edwardine, Edwarda Strong property owner - female form of Edward (english)

Edwina, Edween, Edwyna Rich in friendship (english)

Eepa Supernatural (hawaiian)

Eerin A small grey owl (aboriginal)

Efah, Efa, Eifa Gloom (hebrew)

Effie, Ephie, Effy, Efi Well spoken (greek)

Efia Born on Friday (ghanian)

Eibhilin, Eiblin Birdlike (irish)

Eiko Long-lived child (japanese)

Eilah, Eila, Eyla, Elona Oak tree (hebrew)

Eileen, Eily Shining , Bright (irish)

Eilis Noble, kind (gaelic)

Eira, Eyra Snow (welsh)

Eirian, Eirwyn Silver (welsh)

Eirny New healing (scandinavian)

Eisa Ancient mythological figure (scandinavian)

Ekala A lake (aboriginal)

Ela, Eli Intelligent woman (hindu)

Elaine, Elaina, Elana, Elane, Elayne, Eleana, Eleni Bright, shining (french)

Elana, Elanna, Elannah, Elanah Oak tree (hebrew)

Elarie, Elary, Elari, Eleri, Elerie, Elery, Eleree, Elaree Alder tree (welsh)

Eldora Golden (spanish)

Eleanor, Elenor, Elanor, Elinor, Elenore, Elanore, Elinore, Elanora, Ellie, Elly, Elli, Elena Shining (english)

Electra, Elektra The fiery sun (greek)

Eleele, Eleela Black eyes (hawaiian)

Elen, Elin Nymph (welsh)

Eliana, Eleana, Elianna, Eleanna, Eliane, Eleane, Elie, Ellie, Eliona, Elyana, Elyanna, Elyanne The lord answers (hebrew)

Elidi, Elodie Gift from the sun (greek)

Elika Forever ruler (hawaiian)

Elili Periwinkle (polynesian)

Elisa, Elise, Elisha, Elissa, Ellisia, Elisia Gods promise - short for Elizabeth (hebrew)

Elissa, Elissia, Elisse, Elysia, Elyssa, Elysse, Elyse, Elysa From the blessed isles (greek)

Elita Chosen one (latin)

Elivia, Elivie, Eliva, Elivi, Elivet, Elivette Olive tree - variation of Olivia (english)

Elizabeth, Elisabeth, Elizabetha, Elizabette, Elsbeth, Elsie, Eliza, Elsi, Elspeth Gods promise (hebrew)

Elke, Elkie Noble (german)

Ella, Elle Other (german)

Ellen, Ellan, Elen, Elan, Elena, Eleni, Ellyn, Elyn, Ellie, Elie, Eli Shining one - variant of Helen(english)

Elli Old age (scandinavian)

Ellice, Elice, Elyce Noble - female vesion of Elias (greek)

Elma Gods protection (greek)

Eloise, Eloisa, Elouise, Elouisa, Eloize Renowned fighter - variant of Louise (french)

Elora, Ellora, Elaura God gives Laurel to the winner (hindu)

Elrica Leader of all (german)

Elsa, Elsie, Elsi, Elsy Noble (spanish)

Ember, Emberlee, Emberley, Emberlie, Emberly, Emberli Unknown definition (american)

Eme Beloved (hawaiian)

Emera Industrious (english)

Emerald Jewel (english)

Emi Smile (japanese)

Emiko Smiling child (japanese)

Emily, Emilie, Emilia, Emeline, Emelina, Emalee, Emalia, Emile, Emila, Emmie, Emie, Ems Emi Industrious, striving (english)

Emma, Emmy, Emmie, Emmi, Emmalee, Em Complete (german)

Ena Shining (irish)

Enakai, Enai Fiery sea (hawaiian)

Enfys Rainbow (welsh)

Enid, Ennid, Eanid Life (welsh)

Ennis, Enis Place name (irish)

Enola Unknown meaning (native american)

Enrica, Enrieta, Enrietta Leader of the house - female version of Henry (italian)

Erela Angel (hebrew)

Eri Blessed prize (japanese)

Erica, Erika, Ericka, Eyrica, Eyrika Complete Leader - female version of Eric (scandinavian)

Eriko, Erico Child with a collar (japanese)

Erin, Erienne, Erinne, Erinna, Erianna, Eriana, Erina, Eryn, Erynn, Ereni, Eren Poetic name for Ireland (gaelic)

Erilee, Eralee, Erilie, Eralie A Combination of Erin and Lee - Lee means meadow (american)

Erma Complete (german)

Erwina Boar; friend - female version of Erwin (english)

Eryl Observer (welsh)

Eshana Desire (hindu)

Esi Born on a Sunday (african)

Esita Desired (muslim)

Esme, Esmee, Esma, Esmie, Esmi Esteemed (french)

Esmerelda, Esmaralda, Esmiralda, Ezmerelda, Ezmaralda, Ezmiralda, Esma, Ezma, Esme, Ezme Emerald (spanish)

Esperanza, Esperance Hope (spanish)

Estelle, Estella, Estelle, Estele, Estell, Estela, Estelita, Estrelita, Estrellita, Estellita, Essie, Essy, Essi, Estee Star (english)

Estefany, Estephany, Estefani, Estephani Crown garland - variant of Stephan (spanish)

Esther, Ester, Essie, Essy, Essi, Ettie, Etti, Etty Myrtle leaf (persian)

Estrella, Estrelle Child of the stars (english)

Etain Irish Sun Goddess (irish)

Etana Dedication - female version of Ethan (hebrew)

Eternity, Eternitie, Eterniti Eternity (english)

Ethel, Ethelyn, Ethelin, Ethille, Ethelle, Ethele, Ethile, Ethyl, Ethelynne Noble (english)

Ethne, Ethna On fire (irish)

Etsu, Etsuko Happiness (japanese)

Etta Short for names ending in Etta (english)

Eudora, Eudore Altruistic gift (greek)

Eudosia, Eudocia, Eudoxia Good gift (greek)

Euginia, Euginie, Eugina, Eugena, Eugenia Well born (greek)

Eulalia, Eulalie, Eulaylia, Eulaylie Sweet speaking (greek)

Eunice, Euniss Victorious (greek)

Eustacia, Eustasia Fruitful - female version of Eustace (greek)

Eva, Evah, Evaine, Evicka, Evike, Eveline, Eve, Evie, Evita, Evka, Evathia, Evalina, Ebba, Evy, Evonne, Ewa Giver of life (hebrew)

Evadne, Evadney, Evadnie, Evie Good fortune (greek)

Evangeline, Evangelina, Evangelia, Evangia Brings good news (greek)

Evania Goodness (greek)

Evelyn, Evelin, Eoeline, Evelyn, Evelynn, Evelynne, Evelinn, Evline, Evlin, Evie, Evi, Eve Hazelnut (french)

Ewalina, Ewa Hawaiian version of Evelyn (hawaiian)

Eyota Great (native american)

Ezerla God is my strength (hebrew)

F names for baby girls

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Names for baby girls beginning F

The most popular F names are Freya, Faith and

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Some famous F's are Fearne Cotton - TV presenter
and DJ.
Fern Britton - presenter on This Morning.
Faith Brown, Comedienne, actress and impressionist.
Florence Nightingale - The lady with the lamp.

Celebrity baby F's are
Francesca - Clint Eastwood and Frances Fisher.
Frances Bean - Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain.
Francesca - Martin Scorcese and Helen Morris
Fifi-Trixibelle - Paula Yates and Bob Geldof.

Name increasing in popularity are Francesca and Frances.

Uncommon / unusual but cool names are Farrah, Fayette,
Fearne, Fina and Fiona.

My favourites are Franchesca, Fearne and Freya.

Favourite name with meaning is Felicity which means

Here are F names, their meanings and origins.

Fabayo Fortunate birth (nigerian)

Fabia, Fabiana, Fabianna, Fabienne, Fabiola One who grows beans (latin)

Faith Faith (english)

Fala A crow (native american)

Faline Catlike (latin)

Fallon Related to a leader (Irish)

Falzah Triumphant (arabic)

Fancy Engaged (french)

Fang Fragrant (chinese)

Fang Hua Fragrant flower (chinese)

Farica Leader of peace (german)

Farida, Faridah, Farideh, Fariday Unique (arabic)

Fariha, Faria Happy ( arabic)

Farrah, Farah, Farra, Fara Pleasant, good looking (english)

Farren, Faren Last name (english)

Farsiris Princess (persian)

Fatima Fatima is the prophet Mohammeds favourite daughter (arabic)

Fausta Fortunate (italian)

Fauve Uninhibited (french)

Fawn, Fawna, Fawne, Faun, Fauna, Faunia Young deer (french)

Fawzia Winner (arabic)

Faye, Fay, Fayette Little fairy (french)

Faylinn, Faylinne, Faylynn, Faylyn, Faylin Fairy kingdom (english)

February The month (english)

Fedora Gift from God (greek)

Felda From the field (german)

Felicia Happy go lucky - female form of Felix (latin)

Felicity, Felicitie, Feliciti Happiness (latin)

Femi Love (egyptian)

Fenella White shoulder (irish)

Fern, Ferne, Fearne, Fearn Plant name (english)

Fia Weaver (portuguese)

Fiala Violet (czech)

Fiana, Fianna, Fianne, Fiane Faithful (latin)

Fifi, Fifine God will add (french)

Filia Friendship (greek)

Fillipa, Filipa Lover of horses - variant of Phillipa (greek)

Fina God will add - short form of Josephine (spanish)

Fiona, Fionna, Ffiona, Ffionna, Fee, Fi, Fyona, Ffyona, Ffyonna, Ffion, Fion, Fiora, Ffiora, Fyora, Ffyora Fair, pale (irish)

Flavia, Flavie Yellow hair (latin)

Flora, Fiora, Fiorentina, Fiorenza, Fleur, Fleurette, Florance, Florella, Florelle, Floria, Florrie, Florine, Florry, Florri, Flo, Floss, Flossie, Flossy Flower (english)

Flower Flower (english)

Fola Honourable (african)

Fontane Fountain (french)

Fortuna Roman Godess of Luck (latin)

Frances, Francee, Francine, Fransine, Francina, Franchesca, Francesca, Fania, Fannie, Fanny, Frannie, Franni, Frankie, Frannie, Francelle, Franci, Franki, Fran From France (english)

Frayda, Freida, Frayde, Freide, Freda Happy (hebrew)

Freya, Fraja, Freyja, Froja Noble lady (swedish)

Fritzi Peaceful ruler (german)

Fuchia Plant name (english)

Fuji, Fujiyo, Fujiko Wisteria (japanese)

Fumiko Child of treasured beauty (japanese)

G names for baby girls

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Names for girls beginning G

The most popular G names are Grace, Georgia, Gracie, Georgina

and Gabriella.

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Some famous G's are Gillian Anderson, actress - star of the X files.

Goldie Hawn, actress - Private Benjamin, Overboard, Bird on a Wire,

Swingshift, Wildcats, The Banger Sisters.

Greta Garbo, filmstar - Two faced woman, Camille, Queen Christina.

Geena Davis - Born Virginia Elizabeth Davis, actress - Thelma and

Louise, A League of Their Own, Beetle Juice, The Long Kiss Goodnight.

Gaynor faye, actress - Fat Friends, Playing the Field, Peak Practice,

The Chase.

Gates McFadden, actress - played Dr Beverley Crusher in Star Trek

the Next Generation.

Celebrity baby G's are;

Georgia - Harrison Ford and Melissa Mathison.

Gaia Romilly - Emma Thompson and Greg Wise.

Gracie Katherine - Faith Hill and Tim McGraw.

Greer - Kelsey Grammer and Barrie Buckner.

Greta Simone - Kevin Kline and Phoebe Cates.

Grace Jane - Meryl Streep and Donald Gummer.

Giuliana - Luciano Pavarotti.

Georgia Tatom - Harry Connick Jr. and Jill Goodacre.

Georgia May - Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall.

Gracie Fan - Danny DeVito and Rhea Pearlman.

Some unusual but cool names are Genesis, Genevieve, Geneva, Georgette,

Gia and Gypsy.

My favourites are Gabriella, Georgette and Genevieve.

Favourite name with meaning ig Gweneal which is a Welsh name and

means Blessed angel.

Here are the G names, their meanings and origins.

Gabrielle, Gabriella, Gabi, Gaby Heroine of god (hebrew)

Gada Lucky (hebrew)

Gaenor Fair, smooth (welsh)

Gaia, Gaya Earth (greek)

Gail, Gale, Gayle, Gael Father rejoices - originally a pet name for Abigail (hebrew)

Gala, Galla Festivity (scandinavian)

Galatea White as milk (greek)

Galena Healer (greek)

Gali, Galice Hill (hebrew)

Galiena, Galiana, Galianna High one (german)

Galina Bright One - form of Helen (Russian)

Galya, Galia, Gallia, Gallya God has redeemed (hebrew)

Gana Garden (hebrew)

Ganesa Goddess of wisdom (Hindu)

Ganya Garden of God (hebrew)

Garland, Garlanda Wreath (french)

Gasha, Gashka Good - form of Agatha (russian)

Gay, Gai, Gae, Gaye Joyful (french)

Gaynor, Gaynar White and smooth (welsh)

Gayora Valley of light (hebrew)

Gazelle, Gazzela Graceful (latin)

Geela Joy (hebrew)

Geena Well born (american)

Gelilah, Gelalia, Gelalya, Gelila Rolling hills (hebrew)

Gelsey Last name (english)

Gemini, Gemina, Gemella, Gem Twin (greek)

Gemma, Gem, Gemia Jewel (irish)

Gen Spring (japanese)

Gene, Genie Well born - short for Euginia (greek)

Genesis, Genessa, Genisa, Genisia, Genisis Beginning (hebrew)

Geneva, Geneeva Juniper tree (french)

Genevieve, Genavieve, Geneva, Geneve, Gennie,Genny, Geni, Gina White, Celtic woman (celtic)

Genna, Genia Small bird (arabic)

Georgia, Georgette, Georgina, Georgeann, Georgeanna, Georgeina, Georgena, Georgianna, Georgienne, Georgine, Georgianne, Giorgina, Giorgia, Gerorgie, Gigi Farmer - female form of George (latin)

Geraldine, Geraldina, Geraldeen, Gerianne, Gerianna, Geriann, Gerylyn, Gerilyn, Gerilin, Geroldine, Gerie, Geri Brave with a spear (french)

Geranium Plant name - means crane (latin)

Gerd, Gerdie Guarded (scandinavian)

Germaine, Germaina, Germina, Germayne, Germain, Germayn From Germany (french)

Gertrude, Gertie, Gerti, Gert, Gertrudie, Gertrudi With the strength of a spear (german)

Geva Hill (hebrew)

Ghada Graceful (arabic)

Ghita, Gita Pearl (greek)

Gia Queen (italian)

Giada Jade (italian)

Gialia, Giala, Gialiana, Gialietta Youthful (italian)

Gianina, Giannina, Gianna God is good (italian)

Gilda Golden (english)

Giliah, Giliya, Giliyah, Gilia God's joy (hebrew)

Gill Downy (english)

Gillian, Gilian, Gillan, Gilan, Gillianne, Gillyanne Youthful (english)

Gilsey Jasmine (english)

Gin Silver (japanese)

Gina, Gena, Geena, Ginia Garden (hebrew) Silvery (japanese)

Ginevra Literary name (english)

Ginger, Ginnie, Ginny, Ginni The spice (english)

Giovanna God is good - female variation of John (italian)

Gisa, Giza, Gissa, Gizza Hewn stone (hebrew)

Giselle, Gizelle, Gisele, Gizele, Gisella, Gizella, Gelsey, Gelsie, Gelsy Oath; hostage (english)

Gita, Geeta, Gitika Song (hindu)

Gitana, Gitanna, Gitanne, Gitane Gypsy (spanish)

Gitel, Gitele, Gitela, Gittel Good (hebrew)

Givola Blossom (hebrew)

Gladys, Gladis, Gwladys Lame - form of Claudia (welsh)

Gleda Happy (scandinavian)

Glenda Holy and good (welsh)

Glenn, Glenna, Glena, Glen, Glenette Narrow valley (irish)

Glenys, Glennys, Glenyse, Glenise, Glenice, Glennis, Glenis Holy (welsh)

Gloria, Glorie, Gloree, Glory, Glorria Glory (latin)

Glorvina Unknown meaning (irish)

Godiva Gift from god (english)

Golda, Goldie, Goldey, Goldy, Goldi, Goldee, Goldina, Goldinia, Goldine Golden (english)

Grace, Gracia, Graca, Gracie, Gracey, Graci, Gratia, Grazia, Grazielle, Graziella Grace (latin)

Greer Observant - female version of Gregory (scottish)

Gressa Grass (scandinavian)

Gretna Place name (scottish)

Guida Guide (italian)

Guinevere, Guinivere, Gaenor, Gayna, Gayner, Gaynah, Gaynor Fair; yielding (welsh)

Gunhilda, Gunnhilda, Gunilla, Gunilda, Gunda Woman warrior (scandinavian)

Gustava, Gustha, Gusta Staff of the Gods - female version of Gustav (scandinavian)

Gwendolyn, Gwendolin, Gwendolen, Guendolyn, Guendolin, Guendolen, Gwendoline, Gwendolyne, Gwendia, Gwennie, Gwenny, Gwenda, Gwen, Gwenette, Gwenetta, Gwenore Fair brow (welsh)

Gweneal Blessed angel (welsh)

Gwenfrewi Blessed peace (welsh)

Gwerful, Gwerfyl Shy (welsh)

Gwyneth, Gwenith, Gwenneth, Gwennyth, Gwynith, Gwynn, Gwynne, Gwynneth, Gwynna, Gwyn, Gwin Happiness (welsh)

Gypsy, Gipsy, Gypsie, Gipsie, Gypsi, Gipsi Gypsy (english)

H names for baby girls

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Names for baby girls beginning H

The most popular H names are Hannah, Holly and Hollie.

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Some famous H's are:

Halle Berry, actress - X-Men, Die Another Day, Swordfish,
The Last Boy Scout.
Helen Mirren, actress - The Queen, Elizabeth I, Calender
Girls, Prime Suspect.
Helen Hunt, actress - What Women Want, Empire Falls,

Some celebrity baby H's are:
Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily - Paula Yates and Michael
Hannah Margeret - Tom Selleck and Jilly Joan Mack.
Haile Jaide - Eminem (aka Marshall Mathers) and Kim.
Heather - Paul and Linda McCartney.
Hannah Jane - Jessica Lange and Sam Shepard.
Hannah - Mel Gibson and Robyn Moore.

Some unusual but cool names are Halle, Hana, Harli,
Harmony, Hemali and Hope.

Names increasing in popularity are Harriet and Hailey.

My favourites are Hana, Harmony and Hope.

Favourite name with meaning is Hokulani which is a
Hawaiian name and means "Divine star".

Do you have a favourite name or do you like the meaning
of a name, do you like your name or would you have liked
to have been called something else?

Here are the names, their meanings and origins

Hachi River (native american)

Hadi Calm (arabic)

Hadiya Guide to righteousness, gift (arabic)

Hadley, Hadlea, Hadlie, Hadlea, Hadleigh Meadow of heather (english)

Haela Hero (norse)

Haidee, Haydee Modest (greek)

Haifa Slender (arabic)

Hailey, Hayley, Hailee, Haylee, Hailie, Haylie, Haile, Haili, Hayli, Haileigh, Hayleigh, Halee, Halie, Hali, Haly, Haley Hay meadow. Hero (english)
Haimi, Haimie, Haimey, Hamy, Hamee, Haimee The seeker (hawaiian)

Haiwee Dove (native american)

Halina, Haleena Shining one - form of Helen (russian)

Haliaka, Hariaka, Halika, Haleeka Leader of the house (hawaiian)

Hallie, Halli, Hali Ruler of the house (german)

Halku Flower (hawaiian)

Halona Good luck (native american)

Hama, Hamaka Beach (japanese)

Hamida, Hamidah To praise (arabic)

Hana Flower / favourite (japanese)

Hanako, Hanae Flower child (japanese)

Hani Move softly (hawaiian)

Hania, Haniya Resting place (hebrew)

Hanita Grace of the Gods (hindu)

Haniyya, Haniyyah Happy (arabic)

Hannah, Hanna, Hanah, Hannie, Hanne, Hanney Favoured grace (hebrew)

Hanya A stone (aboriginal)

Happy Glad (english)

Hara, Harai Tawny (hindu)

Harika Wonderful (turkish)

Harita The wind (hindu)

Harley, Harlie, Harli, Harleigh Rabbit pasture (english)

Harmony, Harmoni, Harmonie, Harmonia, Harmonianna, Harmonianne, Harmianne, Harmianna, Harmi Harmony (latin)

Harriet, Harriot, Hattie, Hatty Home ruler - female form of Harry (german)

Haruka Far off (japanese)

Haruki Springtime tree (japanese)

Haruko Springtime child (japanese)

Harumi Springtime beauty (japanese)

Hasana First born female of twins (african)

Hasika Laughter (hindu)

Hasina Good (african)

Hatsu First born (japanese)

Hawa Desire (african)

Haya Fast (japanese)

Hayfa Dainty (arabic)

Hazel, Hazelle, Hazell, Hayze Tree name (english)

Heather, Hether, Hethe Flower name (english)

Heaven Paradise (english)

Hebe The Godess of youth (greek)

Hediah, Hedia, Heddie, Heddy Warfare (english)

Hedwig, Hedwige Struggle (german)

Heidi, Hydie, Hydi, Heide Noble, kind (german)

Helen, Helena, Heleena, Helina, Helene, Helie, Hela, Helaine Bright, shining (greek)

Helga Holy (scandinavian)

Helia The sun (greek)

Helice Spiral (greek)

Helki Touch (native american)

Helma, Hilma Helmet (german)

Heloise, Heloisa Famous in war (french)

Helsa, Helsie, Helsi Glory to God (scandinavian)

Hemali, Hemalie, Hemaly, Hemily, Hemilie, Hemili Golden (hawaiian)

Henrietta, Henriette, Henriett, Henrieka, Hennie, Hettie, Hattie, Hati, Heti, Hetta, Hatty, Hett Leader of the home - female form of Henry (german)

Hera Mythological figure - Queen - the wife of Zeus (greek)

Hermia, Hermaine, Hermione, Hermina, Herema, Hermie Mythological figure - messenger to the gods (greek)

Hermione Greek God of Hermes - God of messengers (greek)

Hermosa Beautiful (spanish)

Hesper, Hespera, Hesperia Evening star (greek)

Hessa, Hessie, Hessi, Hessy, Hessey Destiny (muslim)

Hester, Hesther, Hestia, Hestie, Hesty, Hesti, Hesta Star - variation of Esther (greek)

Heta Rabbit hunt (native american)

Heulwen Sunshine (welsh)

Hiba Present (arabic)

Hideko Splendid child (japanese)

Hikaru, Hikari Shining, light (japanese)

Hilani Carried by heaven (hawaiian)

Hilary, Hilarie, Hilari, Hillary, Hillarie, Hillari, Hilliary Cheerful (greek)

Hilda, Hildie, Hildy, Hylda, Hyldie, Hyldy Battle woman (german)

Himani, Heemani Snow-covered (hindu)

Hiral Brilliant (hindu)

Hiroka, Hiro Benevolant (japanese)

Hiroko Generous child (japanese)

Hiromi Widespread beauty (japanese)

Hisa, Hisako, Hisayo, Hisae Everlasting, everlasting child (japanese)

Hisano Meadow (japanese)

Hiti Hyena (eskimo)

Hitomi Of the eye (japanese) - This name is usually given to girls with

exceptionally beautiful eyes.

Hiva Song (polynesian)

Hoa Flower (vietnamese)

Hoaka Bright (hawaiian)

Hokulani, Hoku Divine star (hawaiian)

Hola Hello (spanish)

Holda, Holde Hidden (german)

Hollis, Hilice, Holise, Holisa, Holleece Near the holly (english)

Holly, Hollie, Holli, Hollee Plant name (english)

Honey, Honee, Honie, Hunee Nectar (english)

Honora, Honnora, Honor, Honnor, Honnour, Honorah, Honore, Honoria, Honner, Honer, Honour, Hona Honourable woman (english)

Hoolana Happy (hawaiian)

Hope Hope (english)

Horatia, Horacia A Roman clan name - female version of Horatio (english)

Hosanna, Hosannah, Hosannie, Hosani, Hosana Cry of prayer (greek)

Hoshi Star (japanese)

Hotaru Firefly (japanese)

Hua Flower (chinese)

Hurriyyah Angel (arabic)

Huyana Falling rain (native american)

Hyacinth Flower name (greek)

Hye Graceful (korean)

Hypatia Highest (greek)

Hyun-ae Smart and loving (korean)

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Ianeke, Iani God is good ( hawaiian)

Ianthe, Iantha Flower (greek)

Ibony, Iboni Goddess of spring (scandinavian)

Ida, Idelle, Ide, Idia Hardworking (german)

Idda, Ila Earth (hindu)

Idalia, Idaleah, Idaliah, Idalea Behold the sun (greek)

Idelle Bountiful (welsh)

Idra Fig tree, wealth (aramaic)

Idris Hotblooded Lord (welah)

Ieesha, Iesha Alive and well (arabic)

Ikia God helps me (hebrew)

Iku, Ikuko Nurturing (japanese)

Ikara, Ikarie, Icarys, Icerys Unknown meaning (american)

Ila Island (french)

Ilana Tree (hebrew)

Ilaria, Ilarie Cheerful, happy - variant of Hilary (italian)

Ilesha God of the earth (hindu)

Ilea One who comes from the town of trom (english)

Iliana, Ilyana Trojan (greek)

Ilima Flower (hawaiian)

Ilona Pretty (hungarian)

Ilse, Ilsa, Ilsie Pledge of God (german)

Ima, Imako Now (japanese)

Imara Firm (swahili)

Imari, Imarie, Imaria Unknown meaning (american)

Imatra Great waterfall place (finnish)

Imelda, Imalda Embracing the fight (italian)

Imogen, Imogene, Imogine, Imagin, Imagina, Imigen, Imigan Innocent (latin)

Ina Pure (greek)

Inaya Concern (muslim)

India The country (english)

Indiana, Indianna From India (latin)

Indigo Dark blue (latin)

Indre River (french)

Ines, Inez, Inetta Pure (spanish)

Ingrid Beautiful (scandinavian)

Inoa Chant (hawaiian)

Inocenia, Inocenta, Inocentia Innocence (spanish)

Inola Black fox (native american)

Inula Sweet pea flower name (latin)

Io Mythological figure (greek)

Ioanna, Ioanne, Ioana, Ioann Favoured grace (greek)

Iola, Iole, Iolia Worthy God (welsh)

Iolana Violet (hawaiian)

Iolanthe Violet (english)

Iona Scottish Island (greek)

Ione, Ionie, Ioni, Ionia Violet (greek)

Irene, Irena, Ireen, Ireena, Iren, Irini, Iryne, Iryna Peace (greek)

Iris, Irisa, Irisha, Irita Rainbow (greek)

Irma Complete (german)

Irvette Sea friend - female version of Irving (english)

Isabel, Isabelle, Isabella, Isabela, Isobel, Isobelle, Isobella, Isobela, Isabele, Isobele, Izabel, Izobel, Izobella, Izabella, Izabele, Izobele, Izzy, Izzie, Issy, Issie, Izi, Isi God's promise - variant of Elizabeth (spanish)

Isadora, Isadore Gift from Iris (latin)

Isamu Active (japanese)

Isaura, Isaure Ancient country in Asia (greek)

Isha Woman (hindu)

Ishana, Ishani, Ishanna, Ishanne, Ishann, Ishanie, Ishaney Desire (hindu)

Ishi, Ishie, Ishiko, Ishiyo Stone (japanese)

Isis Godess of Ancient Egypt (egyptian)

Isla Name of a scottish river (scottish)

Isoka, Isoke, Isokie Gift from God (african)

Isra Night trip (arabic)

Ita Thirst - Also the name of a sixth century saint (irish)

Italia From Italy (latin)

Itiah, Itia, Itiya God is here (hebrew)

Ito Fibre (japanese)

Iunia Good victory (hawaiian)

Ivalee, Ivalie, Ivaley, Ivali, Ivaleigh Unknown meaning (english)

Ivana, Ivania, Ivanna, Ivannia, Ivannie, Ivanee, Ivanie, Ivanne, Iva God is good - female version of Ivan (slavic)

Ivory, Ivorie, Ivori, Ivary, Ivarie, Ivari, Ivorine Ivory (latin)

Ivria, Ivriah In Abrahams land (hebrew)

Ivy, Ivie, Ivi, Ivey Plant name (english)

Iwa Rock (japanese)

Iwalani Sea bird (hawaiian)

Izola Unknown meaning (american)

Izumi Fountain (japanese)