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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

J names for baby girls

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Names for baby girls beginning J

The most popular J names are Jessica, Jasmine, Jade and Jennifer.

Click here to find a middle name

Some famous Jenniferss are Jennifer Love Hewitt, actress.
Jennifer Saunders, comedienne and Jennifer Aniston, actress -
played Rachel in Friends.

Other famous J's are Julie Andrews, singer / actress - the star of
the musical the sound of music. Jackie Collins, author.
Joan Collins, actress. Judy Garland, actress / singer - played Dorothy
in the Wizard of Oz and many other great characters.
Jodie Foster, actress. Joanna Lumley, actress.
June Whitfield, actress. Julia Sawala, actress. Julia Roberts,
actress and Jolene Blaylock, actress - played T'pol in Star Trek

Some Celebrity baby J's are Jaz Elle who is the daughter of Andre
Agassi and Steffi Graff. Justice - the daughter of John Cougar

Names on the increase are Jamie, Jemima and Jordan

Some unusual but cool names are Jacintha, Jazlyn, Jeannie, Jenna,
Jina and Joani.

My favourites are Jodie, Jasmin, Jenna and Jeannie.

Favourite name with meaning is Jocasta which is an Italian name
and means happy.

Here are the J baby names, their meanings and origins.

Jacey, Jacy, Jace Unknown meaning (american)

Jacinta, Jacinda, Jacintha, Jacinthe, Jacynth, Jacyntha, Jacki, Jackie, Jacklin Hyacinth - feminine version of Jacob (spanish)

Jacqueline, Jackalyn, Jackalin, Jacaline, Jackeline, Jaceline, Jackie, Jacki, Jacketta, Jacklyn, Jaclynn, Jacoba, Jackobina, Jacolyn, Jacqueline, Jakelyn she who replaces - feminine version of Jacob (french)

Jade, Jayde, Jaide, Jady, Jadie, Jada, Jadee, Jadia Jade stone (spanish)
Jae, Jaya, Jaylee, Jaylene, Jaylyn, Jayleen, Jay Jaybird (latin)

Jae-Hwa Very beautiful (korean)

Jaffa, Jaffi, Beautiful (hebrew)

Jaha Dignity (swahili)

Jaimie, Jaime, Jaimey, Jaimi, Jaimy, Jami, Jayme, Jamee, Jaimee One who replaces - female version of James (english)

Jaira God teaches (spanish)

Jala Clear (arabic)

Jaleesa, Jalisa a combination of Jay and Lisa (african-american)

Jalila, Jalilah, Jallila Great (arabic)

Jalinda, Jalynda, Jalynn, Jalin, a combination of Jay and Linda (african-american)

Jamaica The country (english)

Jamelia, Jamila Handsome - feminine version of Jamal (arabic)

Jamila, Jamilla, Jamilah, Jamille Beautiful, lovely (arabic)

Jan, Janine, Janna, Jana God is good (hebrew)

Janae, Janai, Janaye, Janay, Jennay, Jenai, Jenaye, Janaya, Janiya, Janaiya God answers (hebrew)

Janaki, Janaka Mother (hindu)

Janan Spirited (arabic)

Jane, Jayne, Jannis, Jaynie, Janie, Janee, Janey, Jayney, Janice, Janis, Janise, Jannis, Janelle God's grace (english)

Janessa, Janesse, Janissa, Janissa Combination of Jan and Vanessa (american)

Janet, Janett, Janeth, Janeta, Jenette, Jenett, Janelle Diminutive of Jane (english)

Janessa A combination of Jan and Vanessa - Vanessa is a literary name created for Gullivers travels (english)

Janita, Jannike God is good (scandinavian)

Jany Fire (hindu)

Jardena To descend (hebrew)

Jarica, Jerika Unknown meaning (american)

Jasie, Jasey, Jasi, Jasee Unknown meaning (american)

Jasmine, Jazmine, Jasmeen, Jasmeena, Jazmeen, Jazmeena, Jasmin, Jazmin, Jazzie, Jazzy Flower name (persian)

Jaya, Jayamala, Jayna Victorious (hindu)

Jayla, Jaylie Unknown meaning (american)

Jazlyn, Jazzalyn, Jazlin, Jazlinne, Jazlynn Combination of Jazz and Lynn (american)

Jean, Jeane Jeannie, Jeana, Jeanne, Jennette, Jenine, Janine, Janina, Jenene, Jeanelle, Jeanell, Jeanette God is good - female form of John (english)

Jelena Light (russian)

Jem Supplanter (english)

Jemima, Jemimah Dove (hebrew)

Jemina, Jemmi, Jemmie, Jemmy Right-handed (hebrew)

Jemma, Jemmia Plant bud (english)

Jena Patience (hindu)

Jenessa A combination of Jennifer and Vanessa (american)

Jenna, Jenasi, Jennabelle, Jenabell, Jenabel, Jenalyn, Jenalin, Jennalee, Jennalie, Jennali, Jennah, Jena Little bird (arabic)

Jennica, Jenica, Jennika, Jenika, Jenike God is good (english)

Jennifer, Jenifer, Jeniffer, Jenessa, Jenessie, Jennilyn, Jenelley, Jenellie, Jeneli, Jennika, Jennie, Jenney, Jenny, Jen, Jenee, Jennylee, Jennilee White, smooth, soft (welsh)

Jeralyn, Jeralin A combination of Jerry and Maralyn - Maralyn means star of the sea, ruddy complected (american)

Jeremia The Lord is great (hebrew)

Jerica, Jerrica, Jerricca, Jericca, Jerrika, Jerika Unknown meaning (english)

Jersey Place name (english)

Jessenia Flower (arabic)

Jessica, Jesica, Jessicca, Jessika, Jesika, Jessie, Jessy, Jessi, Jess, Jessa, Jesseca, Jeseca, Jesseka, Jeseka He sees (hebrew)

Jewel, Jewelle Jewel (french)

Jezebel, Jezebell, Jezebelle, Jezzie, Jezzi, Jez Pure (hebrew)

Jiana The Lord is gracious - phenetic form of Gianna (american)

Jill, Jillian, Jillie, Jilly, Jilli, Jillee, Jyll, Jyl, Jilian, Jili, Jily, Jilee, Jiliana, Jilianna, Jilliana, Jillianna, Jillyanne, Jillianne Young (english)

Jin Excellent (japanese)

Jina Named child (african)

Jinnat Heaven (hindu)

Jinx, Jynx Spell (latin)

Jirina Farmer (czech)

Jisella, Jisella Pledge - phenetic fom of Giselle (american)

Joan, Joanie, Joani, Joanee, Joaney, Jone, Joni, Jonee, Joney, Jonie God is good (hebrew)

Joanne, Joanna, Joane, Joana, Joannah, Johanne, Johanna, Jo God is good (english)

Joby, Jobi, Jobie Persecuted (hebrew)

Jocasta Happy (italian)

Jocelyn, Jocelin, Jocelynn, Jocelinn, Joceline, Jocelyne, Josalin, Josalyn, Joslyn, Joslin, Joss, Joxlyn, Jozlin A member of the Germanic Tribe, the Gauts (german)

Jocosa Playful (latin)

Jodi, Jodie, Jodey, Jody, Jodee Praised (hindu)

Joelle, Joella, Joell, Joely, Joeli God is Lord - female version of Joel (hebrew)

Jolan Purple flower (hungarian)

Jolanta Violet (czech)

Jolene, Jolean, Joleen, Jolian, Joline, Jolynn, Jolyn, Jolin God will add - a variation of Josephine (american)

Jolie, Joline, Joly, Joli Pretty (french)

Jordan, Jordana, Jordon, Jordona, Jordyn Autumn rain (hebrew)

Jorgina Farmer (hispanic)

Jorli, Jorlie, Jorlee, Jorly Unknown meaning (american)

Jory, Jorie, Jori Unknown meaning (american)

Josephine, Josephina, Josefine, Josefina, Josephene, Josefene, Josetta, Josette, Joey, Jo, Josefa, Josepha, Josey, Josie, Josi God will add - female version of Joseph (hebrew)

Joy, Joi, Joie, Joya, Joya Happiness (english)

Joyce, Joice Joyous (latin)

Joyita Jewel (spanish)

Juana, Juanetta, Juanita God is good - female version of John (spanish)

Judith, Judithe, Judie, Judy, Judey, Judye, Judee Jewish (hebrew)

Jula Downy (polish)

Julia, Julianna, Julianne, Julcia, Julee, Julie, Julinka, Juline, Juliana, Juliane, Julissa, Julina, Jules, Jule Young (english)

Juliet, Julieta, Juliett, Julietta, Juliette Downy (english)

Jumana Pearl (arabic)

Jumoke Loved by all (african)

Jun Truth of life (japanese)

Junko Pure child (japanese)

June, Junae, Junee, Junel, Junelle, Junella, Junette, Junetta, Juno The month (english)

Justine, Justina Just - female version of Justin (french)

Jyoti Light of the moon (hindu)

K names for baby girls

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Names for baby girls beginning K

The most popular K names are Katie, Keira, Kiera and Kayleigh.

Click here for help with a middle name

Some famous K's are Pop princess Kylie Minogue.
Kim Catrall, actress - starred in Sex and the City.
Karen Carpenter, singer.
Katie Melua Singer / songwriter.
Keira Knightley, actress - Pirates of the Carribean, King Arthur,
Pride and Prejudice and lots more.

Kirsten Dunst, actress - Spiderman films 2 and 3.
Kelly Preston, actress - the Cat in the Hat, Jerry Maguire.
Kelly Osbourne, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne's youngest offspring!
Kacy Ainsworth, actress- most famous for playing little Mo in Eastenders.
Kim Basinger, actress, Batman, Waynes World, L A Confidential, Final Analysis.

Some celebrity baby K's are
Keelee Breeze - Robert Van Winkle (Vanilla Ice).
Kenni Lauren- Kenny Anderson and Tami.
Kathlyn Elizabeth - Warren Beatty and Annette Benning.

Kimber- Clint Eastwood and Roxanne Tunis.
Keili- Shea - Mia Farrow.
Katie - Goldie Hawn and Bill Hudson.
Katherine Eunice - Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mia Shriver.

Unusual / uncommon but cool names are Karina, Kacey, Kadie,
Kaiya, Kaiden, Kalana, Kalita, Kaomi, Kara, Kariana, Karis,
Kassandra, Kassie, Keisha, Kiara, Kira, Kiri, Kora, Korrinne and

Names increasing in popularity are Kayla, Kali, Kassidy, Kyla,
Kelsey, Kennidy and Keah.

My favourites are Karina, Karis, Kiri, Kennidy, Kassandra, Karis
and Kassidee.

Favourite name with meanings are Kala which means Princess
and Karenza which means Love.

Here are K names, their meanings and origins.

Kaamilee Deirous (hindu)

Kaaona Hawaiian summer month (Hawaiian)

Kaarina, Karina Pure (finnish)

Kachina Sacred dance (native American)

Kaci, Kacey, Kacie, Kaycee, Kacy, Kayci He commands peace - female version of Casimir (english)

Kacia, Kaisha, Kasia, Kasha Unknown meaning (african-american)

Kadee Mother (aboriginal)

Kadiah, Kadya, Kadia A pitcher (hebrew)

Kady, Kadi, Kadie Helpful - variation of Cady (american)

Kaede Maple (japanese)

Kagimi Mirror (japanese)

Kahoko Star (hawaiian)

Kai, Kaiyo, Kaiya, Kaiko forgiveness (japanese) and means sea (hawaiian)

Kaiden, Kaidie, Kadie, Kady, Kadey, Kaydi Unknown meaning (american)

Kaila, Kayla, Kailan, Kaylan The laurel crown (hawaiian)

Kaisa Pure (Swedish)

Kaitlin, Kaitlan, Katelin, Katelyn, Kaitlinn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlynn, Kaitlynne, Kaitlinne, Kaitlinn, Kaitlee, Katelee, Kaitlea, Katelea, Kaitleigh, Kateleigh, Kaitlie, Katelie, Katlyn, Katlin Pure - Variation of Caitlin which is the irish version of Katherine (english)

Kaiya A type of spear (aboriginal)

Kakala Flower (polynesian)

Kakalina, Kakarina, Katalina Pure (hawaiian)

Kala, Kalai, Kale, Kela Princess (hawaiian)

Kala, Kalee, Kallee, Kali Black one (hindu)

Kalani The sky (hawaiian)

Kalema Flaming torch (hawaiian)

Kalana Flat land (hawaiian)

Kalani Heaven (hawaiian)

Kalanit, Kaleena, Kalena, Kalina Flower (hebrew)

Kalaudia, Kelaudia Lame - Hawaiian version of Claudia (Hawaiian)

Kalauka, Kalarisa Famous (hawaiian)

Kalei Wreath of flowers (hawaiian)

Kali, Kalli Energy (hindu)

Kaligenia Beautiful daughter (greek)

Kalika Flower pod (hindu)

Kalila, Kaila, Kailey, Kaleigh, Kaylie, Kayleigh, Kaylee, Kalilla, Kalie, Kayleen, Kaly, Kayle Beloved (arabic)

Kalina, Kaline, Kalena, Kaleena, Kalin, Kalyn Flower (slavic)

Kalinda A lookout (aboriginal)

Kalindi A river (hindu)

Kalini Pure - version of Karen (hawaiian)

Kalinn Stream (scandinavian)

Kalino Bright light (hawaiian)

Kaliona One lion (hawaiian)

Kaliska Coyote pursuing a deer (native american)

Kalita Famous (hindu)

Kallan, Kalan Flowing water (scandinavian)

Kalli, Kallie, Kally, Kali Singing lark (greek)

Kalliope, Kaliope Beautiful voice - variation of Calliope (greek)

Kallista, Kalista, Kalie, Kalli, Kally, Kali Most beautiful (greek)

Kallolee Happy (hindu)

Kalola Woman - version of Carol (hawaiian)

Kalyan Beautiful (hindu)

Kalyca, Kalica, Kalyka, Kalika, Kali, Kaly Rosebud (greek)

Kama Ripe (hebrew)

Kamala Lotus (hundu)

Kamali Guardian angel of infants (african)

Kamanika Beautiful (hindu)

Kamari, Kamaria, Kamarie, Kamari Like the moon (african)

Kambria - variation of Cambria - referring to Wales (latin)

Kame, Kameko, Kameyo Tortoise - A symbol of long life (japanese)

Kamea Sole one (hawaiian)

Kameli Honey (hawaiian)

Kami Lord (japanese)

Kamila, Kamilah, Kameela, Kamilla, Kamillah, Kamla, Kama Perfect (arabic)

Kamoana Ocean (hawaiian)

Kana, Kanika Tiny (hindu)

Kanani Beautiful (hawaiian)

Kanara Canary (hebrew)

Kanda, Kandra Magic (native american)

Kandace, Kandice, Kandiss, Kandis, Kandie, Kandy, Kandi Royal title used by Ethiopian queens ; white - variation of Candice (ethiopian)

Kane, Kaneko Talented (japanese)

Kaneesha, Kaneisha, Kaniesha, Kanisha Unknown meaning (african american)

Kanene Sty in the eye (african)

Kanestie Guide (native american)

Kani Sound (hawaiian)

Kanih Black cloth (african)

Kaniqua, Kanikwa Unknown meaning (african american)

Kannitha Angel (cambodian)

Kanoa, Kanoe Free one (hawaiian)

Kanta, Kantina, Kantia Desire (hindu)

Kanti Lovely (hindu)

Kanya, Kanyaa Daughter (hindu)

Kaomi, Kaomie Unknown meaning (american)

Kaoru, Kaori Aroma (japanese)

Kapri, Kaprice, Kapricia, Kaprisha Whimsical - variation of Caprice (american)

Kapua Flower (hawaiian)

Kapuaula Red flower (hawaiian)

Kapuki First born daughter (african)

Kara, Karah, Kaira, Kairah, Karalyn, Karalin, Karalee, Karaleigh, Kariana, Karianne, Karianna, Karielle, Kariella, Kariette, Karrah, Karra, Karrie, Karrey, Kari Dear (latin)

Karen, Karon, Karina, Keron, Kerron, Karron, Karren, Karrina, Kerrin, Karrin, Kerin, Karin Pure - a diminutive of Katarina (scandinavian)

Karenza, Kerenza, Karensa, Kerensa, Kerrenza, Karrenza, Karrensa, Kerrensa, Kerrin, Kerren, Kerin, Keren Love (scottish)

Karida Virginial (arabic)

Karima, Karimah Noble (arabic)

Karis, Kariss, Karista, Karrista Grace (greek)

Karisma Variation of Charisma (english)

Karissa very dear (greek)

Karlene, Karlena, Karlen, Karlina, Karline, Karla, Karlotta, Karlotte, Karlota Free man - female version of Charles (latvian)

Karma Fate (hindu)

Karmel, Karmela, Karmeli, Karmia, Karmi, Karmiel, Karmielle, Karmiella Fruitful orchard (hebrew)

Karmen, Karmina, Karmine, Karmita Garden - variation of Carmen (english)

Karmil Red (hebrew)

Karolaina, Karalaina Woman (hawaiian)

Karoline, Karolina, Karolyn, Karolin, Karolynn, Karolynne, Karolinn, Kariline, Karilin, Karilyn, Karalanna, Karilanna, Karilann, Karalann, Karlie, Karol, Karroll, Karoll, Karyl, Karyll Free man - variation of Caroline (english)

Karpura Pricless (hindu)

Karuna Compassion (hindu)

Karri A type of Eucalyptus (aboriginal)

Kasa, Kasha, Kasha Dress made of fur (native american)

Kasey, Kasie, Kasy Alert - variation of Casey (american)

Kasi The holy city (hindu)

Kasinda Child born after twins (african)

Kassandra, Kassie, Kasandra, Kassandre, Kassandrea, Kassaundra, Kassy, Kassi Unheeded profitess - variantion of Cassandra (greek)

Kassidy, Kassisie, Kassidi, Kassi, Kass Curly-headed (english)

Kataniya, Katania, Ketana Small (hebrew)

Katherine, Kathrine, Katharine, Kathrin, Katharynn, Katherynn, Kaethe, Kaila, Kaitlin, Karen, Karena, Karynn, Kata, Kataleen, Katalena, Kataleena, Katalina, Kateke, Katee, Katie, Kate, Katharin, Katherin, Kathareen, Kathareen, Kathy, Kathey, Kathryn, Katrin, Katrina, Katrine, Katy, Kati, Karren, Karrin, Katya, Kay, Kitty, Kittie, Kitti, Kathleen, Katleen Pure (greek)

Katsumi Victorious beauty (japanese)

Katsu Triumphant (japanese)

Kauila Acclaimed woman (hawaiian)

Kaula Clairvoyant (hawaiian)

Kaulana Famous one (hawaiian)

Kaveri River (hindu)

Kawena Fire (hawaiian)

Kaya Older sister (native american)

Kayla, Kaila, Kaylee, Kailee, Kaylie, Kaylie, Kayli, Kaili, Kaelie, Kalie, Kayley, Kaelene, Kailene, Kaylene, Kalin, Kalina, Kalyn, Kayleen, Kayleigh, Kaileigh, Kaye, Kay, Kaylin, Kailin Pure - variation of Katherine (english)

Kaya Wise child (native american)

Kayo Beautiful (japanese)

Kazue Branch; first blessing; harmonious (japanese)

Kazuko Harmonious child (japanese)

Kazumi Harmonious beauty (japanese)

Keala Pathway (hawaiian)

Kealani White heaven (hawaiian)

Keara, Kiera, Keira, Kiara, Kierra, Kearra, Keirra Dark (irish)

Keesha, Keisha, Keshia, Kiesha Alive and well - variant of Aisha (american)

Kei Respectful (japanese)

Keiki Child (hawaiian)

Keiko Respectful child (japanese)

Keita, Keitha Forest - female version of Keith (english)

Keke Chaste (hawaiian)

Kekona Second child (hawaiian)

Kela Valley (hawaiian)

Kelalani Limitless sky (hawaiian)

Kelday Unknown meaning (english)

Keleka, Kelekia To harvest (hawaiian)

Kelila, Kalia, Kayla, Kaile, Kaila, Kayle, Kylia, Kyla Crowned (hawaiian)

Kelina Moon godess (hawaiian)

Kelly, Kellie, Kelli, Keeley, Kealey, Keelie, Kealie, Keeli, Keali, Keelee, Kealee, Kelley, Kellia, Kellisa, Kellina, Keely Bright headed, strife (irish)

Kelsey, Kelsie, Kelsy, Kelsi, Kelsee Island (english)

Kenda, Kendi, Kendie, Kenada, Kenndi, Kenadi Magic (native american)

Kendra, Kendria, Kindra, Kendrea, Kenna Greatest champion (welsh)

Kenisha, Keniesha, Keneisha, Kennesha Beautiful woman (african american)

Kennidy, Kenidee, Kenidi Unknown meaning (american)

Kenya The country (hebrew)

Kenzie Light one (scottish)

Keohi One woman (hawaiian)

Keokiana, Keokina Farmer - version of Georgina (hawaiian)

Keola One life (hawaiian)

Kerani, Kerie, Keri, Kera Sacred bells (hindu)

Kerem Orchard (hebrew)

Keren, Kerrin, Kerren, Kerin, Kerryn, Keryn Beauty (hebrew)

Kerry, Kerrie, Kerri, Kerree, Kerra, Kerriana, Kerianna, Keriann, Kerrianne, Kerian, Keriana, Kera, Kerie, Kery Dark haired (irish)

Kesava Lots of hair (hindu)

Keshet Rainbow (hindu)

Kesi Daughter with a difficult father (swahili)

Kesia, Keshia Favourite (african american)

Kessem Magic (hebrew)

Kessie Fat (african)

Keti Pure (polynesian)

Ketina Girl (hebrew)

Keturah, Ketura To pick (hebrew)

Ketzia, Ketziah, Keziah, Kezia, Kesiah, Kesia, Ketzi, Kezzi, Kissie, Kissi, Kizzy Tree bark (hebrew)

Kevina, Kevyn, Kevia, Keva Handsome beloved - female version of Kevin (irish)

Kewanee Prairie hen (native american)

Khalida, Kaleeda, Khaledah Forever (arabic)

Khloe, Klowie, Khloey Blooming - variation of Chloe (greek)

Kiah, Keah, Kiya A new beginning (muslim)

Kiannah, Kianna, Kianah, Kiana, Kia Favoured grace - variation of Hannah ( american)

Kiara, Kiarah, Kiarra, Kiera, Kierra, Keira, Keirra Dark - version of Ciara (american)

Kibibi Little girl (african)

Kichi Lucky (japanese)

Kiele, Kieley, Kieli, Kiela, Kiela Gardenia flower (hawaiian)

Kiki Ruler of the house - nickname for Enriqueta or Henrietta (spanish)

Kikikia Blind (hawaiian)

Kiku Chrysanthemum (japanese)

Kiley, Kilee, Kilie Handsome (gaelic)

Kilia Heaven (hawaiian)

Kimama, Kimimela Butterfly (native american)

Kimaya Godlike (hindu)

Kimberley, Kimberlie, Kimberli, Kimberlea, Kimberlee, Kimberleigh, Kimberlin, Kimberlyn, Kimberlynn, Kimberlynne, Kimberlinn, Kimberlinne, Kymberlie, Kymberley, Kymberli, Kymberlee, Kymberlee, Kymberleigh, Kyberlin, Kymberlyn, Kymberlynn, Kymberlynne, Kymberlinn, Kimmie, Kymmie, Kym, Kim, Kimmi, Kymmi, Kimba, Kimball, Kimber, Kimbley, Kymbley, Kimberly Cyneburg's meadow (english)

Kimiko Beautiful history, dear child (japanese)

Kin Gold (japanese)

Kina To judge (hawaiian)

Kineta Dynamic (greek)

Kini, Kinita, Kinikia, Kinika God is good (hawaiian)

Kinsey Family member (english)

Kinu, Kinuko, Kinuyo Silk (japanese)

Kioko Happy (japanese)

Kira, Kirra, Kiran, Kirana Throne (bulgarian)

Kiran, Kirana Light (hindu)

Kiri, Kirsi Flower (sanskrit)

Kiriah, Kirya, Kiria Village (hebrew)

Kiritina, Kirikina Christ (hawaiian)

Kirsten, Keerstin, Keersten, Kirstin, Kersten, Kerstin, Kerstie, Kirstie, Kersty, Kirsty, Kersti, Kirsti, Kirstee, Kerstee, Kirstine, Kerstine, Kirstyn, Kerstyn, Kyrstin Anointed (scandinavian)

Kishori Young girl (hindu)

Kiska Pure (russian)

Kita North (japanese)

Kitra Wreath (hebrew)

Kiwa, Kiwayo Born on the border (japanese)

Kiyo, Kiyoko Happy families (japanese)

Kiyoshi Shining (japanese)

Kizzy, Kizzie, Kizzi Cinnamon (hebrew)

Klara, Klarissa Bright, shining - variation of Clara (hungarian)

Klaudia, Klaudie Lame - variant of Claudia (polish)

Koana God is good (hawaiian)

Kodelia, Kokelia Daughter of the sea (hawaiian)

Koffi Born on Friday (african)

Kohana Little flower (japanese)

Koko Stork (japanese)

Kolab Rose (cambodian)

Koleka, Kolokea Gift from God (hawaiian)

Kolina Maiden (hawaiian)

Koloe Blooming (hawaiian)

Koma Pony (japanese)

Koneko Kitten (japanese)

Konia Talent (hawaiian)

Kopea Wise (hawaiian)

Kora, Korabel, Korabelle, Korabell, Korabella, Korabela, Koreen, Koree, Korey, Korie, Korissa, Korelle, Korella, Korrina, Korrie, Kori, Korree, Korynna Girl (greek)

Korina, Korinna, Korinne, Korine Maiden (english)

Koto, Kotone Harp (japanese)

Kristen, Krysten, Kristan, Krystan, Kristine, Kristina, Krysta, Krista, Kristie, Kristi, Kristy, Kristin, Kristyn Anointed (english)

Kualii Queen (hawaiian)

Kudio Born on Monday (african)

Kukiko Snow girl (japanese)

Kukua Born on Wednesday (african)

Kulani Reaching heaven (hawaiian)

Kulwa First born of twins (african)

Kuma Bear (japanese)

Kumari Daughter (hindu)

Kumi, Kumiko, Kumiyo Companion child, long lived child (japanese)

Kunto Third born child (african)

Kuri Chestnut (japanese)

Kusa Grass (hindu)

Kushali Smart girl (hindu)

Kusum Flower (hindu)

Kveta, Kvetka Flower (czech)

Kwabina Born on Tuesday (african)

Kwau Born on Thursday (african)

Kyla Crown (hebrew)

Kylie, Kylene, Kyla, Kye A boomerang (aboriginal)

Kyoko, Kioko, Kioka, Kyoka Mirror (japanese)

Kyra, Kyria, Kyrene, Keira, Kiera, Kira Lady (greek)

Kyrie, Kyri Dark (irish)

L names for baby girls

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Names for baby girls beginning L

The most popular L names are Lucy, Lily, Leah,
Lauren, Libby, Lilly, Lidia, Laura and Lola.

For middle name help click here

Some famous L's are Liza Minelli, Singer / actress - Cabaret.
Lucille Ball, comedienne - I love Lucy.
Linda Cardellini, actress - played Velma in Scooby Doo and
plays Sam in ER.
Lily Allen Singer / songwriter.
Lisa Kudrow, actress - played Phoebe in Friends.
Laura Dern, actress - Jurassic Park.
Lisa Stansfield, singer.
Lana Turner, actress - A star is born, Calling Dr Kildare.
Lucy Liu, actress - Charlies Angels, Ally McBeal.
Lauren Bacall, actress.

Some celebrity baby L's are;
Lyric Chanel, Kenny Anderson and Tami.
Leslie, Lauren Bacall and Humpfrey Bogart.
Lucie, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez.
Lillyella, Melanie Blatt and Stuart Zender.
Lily, Kevin Cosner and Cindy Silva.
Lily-Rose Melody, Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis.
Lucy Chet, Danny DeVito and Rhea Pearlman.
Lark Song, Mia Farrow and Andre Previn.
Luca Bella, Jennie Garth and Peter Facinelli.
Lourdes Maria, Madonna and Carlos Leon.
Lorraine, Jack Nicholson and Rebecca Boussard.
Lorenza, Luciano Pavarotti.
Louisa Jacobson, Meryl Streep and Donald Gummer.
Liv, Steven Tyler.
Lola, Annie Lennox and Chris Rock.
Lulu, Edie Brickell and Paul Simon.

Unusual but cool names are Lacy, Lace, Laina, Laini, Lana,
Lecie, Leona, Leora, Liberty, Liesel, Lilia, Livia, Lucinda and Lyra.

Names increasing in popularity are Lexi, Lois, and Lottie.

My favourites are Loisa, Lucinda, Lilly, Leona, Lola and Liezl.

Favourite name with meaning is Lalita which means Beautiful,
playful. (sanskrit)

Here are L names for girls, their meanings and origins.

Lacey, Lacie, Laci, Lacy, Lace Noblemans surname (french)

Lachina Unknown meaning (african american)

Ladonna Lady - elaboration of Donna (african american)

Lady, Ladie, Ladi, Ladey Bread kneader (english)

Lael Belonging to God (hebrew)

Laina, Laine, Lainey, Layney, Laynie, Layni, Lainie, Laini Bright one - variation of Helen (english)

Laine, Lain Pathway (english)

Lajli Humble (hindu)

Laka Docile (hawaiian)

Lakea, Lakia Unknown meaning (african american)

Lakeisha, Lakesha, Lackesha, Laketia, Lakisha, Laqueisha, Laquisha Unknown meaning (african american)

Laken, Lakiya Unknown meaning (african american)

Lalika, Laleka, Laleeka Lovely woman (hindu)

Lalita Beautiful, playful (sanskrit)

Lana, Lanna, Lanae, Lane Precious - A variation of Alanna (english)

Lanai Porch (hawaiian)

Lani, Lanie Sky (hawaiian)

Lara, Larinda, Larita, Larina, Larana Famous (english)

Larissa, Lareesa, Laresa, Larisa Cheerful (greek)

Larita Unknown meaning (african american)

Latifah Gentle (arabic)

Latoya Victorious one (spanish)

Laura, Laurie, Lora, Loretta, Lorrie, Loryn, Lorin, Lorita, Lauren, Lorena, Launi The Laurel plant (latin)

Leah , Lia, Lea Weary (hebrew)

Leala, Lealie Loyal (french)

Leanne, Leanna, Leane, Lianne, Leeann, Leann, Leeanna, Leana, Lianna Flowering vine (gaelic)

Leanore, Leanor, Leanora, Lenore, Lenor, Lenora, Leonore, Leonora Bright one - variation of Helen (english)

Lecia, Lecie, Leci, Lecy. Lisha, Lisha Noble - shortening for Alicia (english)

Leeba Heart (hebrew)

Leelu Unknown meaning (american)

Leena Devoted (hindu)

Leigh, Lee meadow (english)

Leiko Proud (japanese)

Leila, Laila, Layla, Lila, Lilah, Leilia, Leelah, Leela, Leilo, Laylie, Leili Night beauty (arabic)

Leinani Beautiful wreath (hawaiian)

Leisi Lace (polnesian)

Lena, Lenah, Lene, Leni, Linah Bright one (english)

Lenna Strenth of a lion (german)

Leona, Leonie, Leonia, Leoni, Leonine Lion - female version of Leon (latin)

Leonani Beautiful voice (hawaiian)

Leonarda, Leonarde, Leonardia Roar of the lion (german)

Leonie, Leoni Lioness (french)

Leora, Leorah, Liora Light (greek)

Leotie Prarie flower (native american)

Leslie, Leslea, Lesleigh, Lesli, Lezli, Lezlie, Lezly, Lezlea Holly garden (gaelic)

Leta Happy (latin)

Letitia, Letisha, Letycia Happiness (latin)

Lerua Lava (aboriginal)

Levina Lightening (latin)

Lewana, Lewanna, Lewanne, Lewane, Lewan The moon (hebrew)

Lexa, Lexie, Lexi, Lexia, Lexine, Lexina, Lexana, Lexanna, Lexanne, Lexann Protector of man - female version of Alexander (czech)

Leya The law (spanish)

Li Pretty (chinese)

Libby, Libbie, Libbi God's promise - shortening of Elizabeth (english)

Liberty, Libertie, Liberti Freedom (english)

Lida, Lidah, Lydah, Lyda Loved by all (slavic)

Liesl, Liezl, Liesel, Leisa, Liezel, Lisl, Lizl, Liese God's promise - nickname for Elizabeth (german)

Lila Dance of God (hindu)

Lilac Plant name (english)

Lilia The lily flower (hawaiian)

Lilian, Lillian, Lillyann, Lillyanna, Lillianna, Lilliann Combination of Lily and Ann (english)

Lilith Night Demon (arabic)

Lily, Lilie, Lili, Lilia, Lilly, Lillie, Lilli, Lillia Flower name (latin)

Lina Palm tree (arabic)

Linda , Lynda, Lyndie, Lindie, Lindi, Lindee Pretty one (spanish)

Lindsay, Lindsey, Lindsie, Lindsi, Linsey, Lyndsey, Linsay, Lynsey Island of linden trees (english)

Linette, Linette, Lynette, Lynett, Lymetta, Linetta, Linnet, Linet, Lynet Idol (welsh)

Ling Delicate (chinese)

Linit Relax (hebrew)

Linnea Lime tree (scandinavian)

Liona Roaring lion (hawaiian)

Liora God's gift of light to me (hebrew)

Lisa, Liza, Leesa, Leeza, Leisa, Leiza, Liese, Lieze, Lisette, Lisetta, Lissa, Lissette, Lise, Lisanna, Lizanna, Lisanne, Lizanne, Lisselle, Liselle, Lissella, Lisella, Lissie, Lissy, Lissi, Lisele, Lisela, Lisell, Lizelle, Lizella God's promise - variation of Elizabeth (english)

Lisandra, Lisandre, Lisander, Lysandra, Lysandre, Lysander Liberator (greek)

Liseli Unknown meaning (native american)

Lissa, Lissie, Lissi Bee, honey - short for Melissa (english)

Litonya Humming bird (native american)

Liya, Leeya I am the Lords (hebrew)

Liyiya, Leviya Lioness (hebrew)

Livia, Livie, Livey, Livi, Livee Olive tree - short for Olivia (latin)

Livona, Liyiya, Livia Spice (hebrew)

Lizbeth, Lizabeth, Lizetta, Lizetta, Lizzie, Lizzy, Lizzi, Liz God's promise - short for Elizabeth (english)

Lois Superior - female version of Louis (greek)

Loiyetu Blooming flower (native american)

Lokalia Garland of roses (hawaiian)

Lokapela Beautiful rose (hawaiian)

Loke, Loka, Lokelani Rose (hawaiian)

Lola, Loletta, Loleta, Lolita, Lolitta Sorrow (english)

Lolly Laurel - Nickname for Laura (english)

Lomasi Pretty flower (native american)

Loni, Lonee, Lonie, Loney, Lonnie, Lonni, Lonney, Lonna Ready for battle (english)

Loreli, Loralee, Loralin, Loralyn, Lorilee, Lorilyn, Lorilin, Lora Place in Germany (german)

Lorna, Lorrna Area in Scotland (scottish)

Lorraine, Lorain, Lauraine, Laurain, Laurraine, Laurrane, Lorrayne Area in France (french)

Losa, Lose, Losana Rosa (polynesian)

Losaki To meet (polynesian)

Lotta, Lottie, Lotty, Lottee, Lotti, Lotte Woman (scandinavian)

Lotus A fruit (greek)

Louise, Louisa, Loisa, Loise, Louize, Louiza, Loiza, Luisa, Luiza Famous soldier (english)

Lourdes Area in France (french)

Lowanna Girl (aboriginal)

Luan Talk over (vietnamese)

Luana, Luann, Luanne, Luanna, Lewanna, Lewanne Enjoyment (hawaiian)

Luca From Lucanus - female version of Lucas (italian)

Lucinda, Lucindie, Lucindy, Lucindee, Lucindi, Lucy Beautiful light (latin)

Lucita Light (spanish)

Lucretia, Lucresha, Lucreesha, Lucreetia, Lucrecia, Lucreecia, Lucrezia Roman clan name (latin)

Lucy, Lucille, Lucia, Lucette, Lucetta, Lucilla, Lucinda, Luciana, Lucie, Luci Light - female version of Lucius (english)

Lulani Heaven's peak (hawaiian)

Lulu Precious, Pearl (swahili)

Lumusi Born face downward (african)

Lura Unknown meaning (english)

Lydia, Lidia, Lidie, Lidi, Lydie, Lydi, Lidiah, Lydiah Woman from Lydia (greek)

Lynn, Lynne, Lyn, Linn, Linne, Lin, Linelle, Linnell, Linnelle Pretty (english)

Lyris, Lyra Lyre - a small harp (greek)

M names for baby girls

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Names for baby girls beginning M

The most popular M names are Megan, Mia, Millie, Molly,
Madison, Maisie, Madeleine, Maddison, Matilda, Morgan,
Melissa and Maya.

Find a middle name

Some famous M are;
Madonna - born Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. Famous
for everything! Singer, songwriter, actress, producer.

Maura Tierney, actress - plays Abby Lockheart in ER.
Meg Ryan, actress - Sleepless in Seattle, French Kiss,
When Harry met Sally, Top Gun.
Marina Sirtis, actress - played Deanna Troi in Star Trek the
Next Generation.
Myleene Klass - born Myleene Angela Klaas, musician.

Celebrity baby M's are:
Moon Unit - Frank Zappa.
Mercedes - Val Kilmer and Joanne Whalley-Kilmer.
Madeleine West - David Duchovny and Tea Leoni.
Maesa - Bill Pullman and Tamara Hurwitz.
Maggie Elizabeth - Faith Hill and Tim McGraw.
Mary - Paul and Linda McCartney.
Morgan - Clint Eastwood and Dina Ruiz.
Mia - Steven Tyler.
Makena'lei Gordon - Helen Hunt and Matthew Carnahan.
Madison - Sissy Spacek.
Maria - Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.
Mia - Kate Winslet and James Threapleton .
Maya Raye - Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke.
Moxie Crimefighter - Penn Jillette and Emily Jillette.

Some unusual but cool names are Maemi, Mabel, Maeve,
Maliyah, Mariette, Marika, Marnie, Melody, Mindy and Myla.

Names increasing in popularity are Makenna, Makensie and

My favourites are Mia, Mabel, Maemi, Madeleine and Matilda.

Favourite name with meaning is Maeve which is an Irish name
and means "delicate".

Here are the names, their meanings and origins

Maata Lady (polynesian)

Mab Joy, Queen Mab is a legendary Irish Fairy Queen (Gaelic)

Mabel, Mable, Mabelle, Maybel Loveable (english)

Macaria, Macarie Blessed (spanish)

Machi, Machiko Beautiful child (japanese)

Macia Defiant (polish)

Mackensie, Makensie, Makenzie, Mackenzie, Makensi Daughter of a wise leader (irish)
Mackenna, McKenna, Makenna, Mackendra, McKendra, Makendra Daughter of the handsome one (irish)

Macy Weapon (english)

Madeline, Madalaine, Madelina, Madelene, Madelaina, Madlyn, Madlin, Maddie, Maddy, Maddi, Madge, Magda Mary Magdalen (french)

Madeira, Madira, Madera Place name (english)

Madhu Honey (hindu)

Madia To praise (arabic)

Madison, Maddison Daughter of the mighty warrier (english)

Madoka Tranquil (japanese)

Madonna My lady (latin)

Madra Mother (spanish)

Maeiko, Maeko Honest child (japanese)

Maemi Smile of truth (japanese)

Maeve Delicate (irish)

Magdelina, Magdala, Magdaline, Magdelene, Magdelena Woman from Magdela (spanish)

Magena New moon (native american)

Magnolia Flower name (latin)

Maha Big eyes (arabic)

Mahala, Mahalah, Mahalia, Mahalea Tenderness (hebrew)

Mahaska White cloud (native american)

Mahauni, Mahoney Unknown meaning (american)

Maheesa, Mahisa, Mahesa The Hindu God Siva (english)

Mahi, Mahika Earth (hindu)

Mahima Eminence (hindu)

Mahina Moon (hawaiian)

Mahira Quick (hebrew)

Mai A flower (vietnamese) Dance (japanese)

Maia Great mother (greek)

Maida, Maidie, Maidy, Maidi, Mayda Maiden (english)

Maikai Good (hawaiian)

Maiko Dancing child (japanese)

Maili, Mailee Breeze (polynesian)

Maira, Maila Myrrh (hawaiian)

Maisie, Maisy, Maisi, Maisey, Maizie, Maizy, Maizi, Maizey Pearl (scottish)

Maiya Rice valley (japanese)

Majesta Majesty (latin)

Maka Earth (native american)

Makana, Makanna Gift (hawaiian)

Makani, Makanni, Makannie The wind (hawaiian)

Makeda Bowl (hebrew)

Makena The happy one (african)

Makenna, Mackenna, McKenna Ascend (scottish)

Maki True record / tree (japanese)

Makosi, Makosie, Mackosie, Mackosi Princess (african)

Mala Garden (hawaiian)

Malati Jasmine (hindu)

Mali Farmer (hindu)

Malia Probably (hawaiian)

Malina Peaceful (hawaiian)

Maliyah, Malliyah, Malia, Maliah, Maleigh, Malee, Malee, Malleigh, Mallie, Mally, Malie, Maly, Malli, Mali, Maleah, Maleena, Malena, Malina Unknown meaning (american)

Mallana A canoe (aboriginal)

Mallory, Mallorie, Mallori, Malory, Malorie, Malori, Malloreigh Unlucky (french)

Malu, Malou Peace (hawaiian)

Mamie Pearl - shortened version of Margeret (greek)

Mamo Yellow bird (hawaiian)

Mana Supernatural power (hawaiian) True (japanese)

Manaalii Powerful Queen (hawaiian)

Manami True beauty (japanese)

Manda, Mandie, Mandy, Mandi Loveable - shortened version of Amanda (latin)

Mandisa, Mandeesa Sweet (african)

Mandoline, Mandolin, Mandolina, Mandolyn Name of a musical instument (american)

Mani Equal (aboriginal)

Mansi, Mancey, Manci, Mansie, Mancie, Manni Picked flower (native american)

Manuela, Manuella God is among us - feminine version of Manuel (spanish)

Mara Bitter (hebrew)

Marabel, Marabelle, Marable, Marabella, Marbella Beautiful Mary (english)

Maraea Sea woman (hawaiian)

Marcia, Marcie, Marci, Marcee, Marcy, Marcela, Marcelia, Marcina, Marcella, Marsha Warlike - female version of Mark (latin)

Mardi Tuesday (french)

Marelda, Marilda Famous battle maid (german)

Marella, Marelle, Marellie, Marelli A combination of Mary and Elle. Mary meaning star of the sea and Elle meaning shining (english)

Margeret, Margerete, Margaret, Margarete, Margarita, Margery, Margerie, Margeretta, Margerella, Marjorie, Meagon, Meagan, Megan, Megon, Meg, Maggie, Maggi, Meggie, Meggi, Mag Pearl (english)

Margi Direction (hindu)

Mari Beloved (japanese) (welsh)

Maria, Mariah, Marie Star of the sea - variant of Mary (latin)

Marian, Marion, Marianna, Mariana, Mariann, Mary, Maryann, Maryanna Combination of Mary and Ann. Mary meaning star of the sea and ann meaning favoured grace (french)

Maribelle, Maribella, Maribel, Maribela Combination of Mary and Belle. Mary meaning star of the sea, Belle meaning Beautiful (english)

Marietta, Mariette Star of the sea variant of Mary (french)

Marigold Flower name (english)

Marika, Marica Star of the sea - version of Mary (danish)

Mariko True reason child (japanese)

Marilyn, Maralyn, Marilin, Maralin, Marilee, Marylee, Marylyn Combination of Mary and Lynn. (english)

Marina, Marine, Marinda From the sea (latin)

Marini, Marinie Healthy (african)

Marinna A song (aboriginal)

Maris, Marise, Marisse, Marelle, Marella, Marissa, Merissa, Merisa Star of the sea (latin)

Markeisha, Markisha, Markeesha Unknown meaning (american)

Marlena, Marlena, Marleena, Marlie, Marli, Marlia, Marlina, Marline, Marleen, Marlea, Marlyn, Marlinda, Marla Combination of Mary and Magdelene . Mary meaning star of the sea , Magdelene meaning Magdela (english)

Marlee, Marlie, Marlea, Marli Marshy meadow (english)

Marlisa Combination of Mary and Lisa. Mary meaning star of the sea. Lisa meaning Gods promise (english)

Marlo, Marlow Surname (english)

Marni, Marnie, Marney, Marnee, Marne, Marna To rejoice (hebrew)

Martha, Marthe, Marta, Martie, Marti, Martina, Martine, Martyne, Marteen, Mattie, Matti Lady (english)

Marwa Rock (arabic)

Mary, Maree, Marella, Marelle, Moira, Maura, Marial, Mariel, Marika, Mora, Molly, Mollie, Molli, Mariette, Marietta, Marie, Maria, Maree, Mari, Marey Star of the sea (latin)

Masa Direct (japanese)

Masako Correct / direct child (japanese)

Masami Correct / elegant beauty (japanese)

Masela, Makella Warlike - version of Marcella (hawaiian)

Masika Born during the rainy season (african)

Matilda, Mathilda, Matelda, Mathelda, Mattie, Matti, Maude, Maudie Mighty in battle (german)

Maudisa Sweet (south african)

Mauli Hair (hindu)

Maureen, Maurene, Moreen Star of the sea - variant of Mary (irish)

Mauve The mallow plant (french)

Mavis Thrush (french)

Maxine, Maxina, Maxime, Maxie, Maxi Greatest in excellence - female version of Maximilian (english)

May, Mai, Mae, Mei, Maylena, Maylene The month (english)

Maya, Mya God's power (hindu)

Maysa, Maisa Walk proudly (arabic)

Mayumi True intent beauty (japanese)

Mazal Fate (hebrew)

Mazhira Gleamimg (hebrew)

Mead, Meade Meadow (english)

Meara, Meera Jolly (irish)

Meca Gentle (spanish)

Mechola To dance (hebrew)

Medea Mythological figure (greek)

Medina Place name (arabic)

Medora Gift from mother (english)

Meegan, Meegen, Meeghan, Meeghen Soft, gentle (irish)

Mee-Kyong Shining beauty (korean)

Meena, Meana, Meenah, Meanah, Meenal, Minal, Minali, Minisha Fish (hindu)

Mee-Yon Beautiful lotus blossom (korean)

Megumi Blessing (japanese)

Mehal Rain (hindu)

Mehira Quick (hebrew)

Mehitabel Benefited by God (hebrew)

Meiko Bud (japanese)

Mei-Lien Beautiful lotus (korean)

Meira, Meiri, Meora, Meorah, Meera Light (hebrew)

Mei-Xing Beautiful star (korean)

Melanie, Melaney, Melany, Meloni, Melaine, Melana, Melane, Mellanie, Mellonie, Melonie, Mellony, Melloni, Meloni, Mellaney, Mellany, Mellani, Mellie, Melie, Melly, Mely, Melli, Meli Dark skinned (greek)

Melba, Mellba, Mellva, Melva Variation of Melbourne - city in Australia (english)

Melia Plumeria (hawaiian)

Melinda, Melynda, Malinda, Malynda, Melindie, Malindie, Melinde, Melynde, Malyndie, Melyndie, Mindie, Mindy, Mally, Mallie, Mylinda, Mylnn, Malinn, Mel Sweet (latin)

Meliora Better (latin)

Melisande, Melisand, Melisandre Animal strength (french)

Melissa, Mellissa, Melisa, Mellisa, Melisandre, Melisandra, Melisse, Melise, Melize, Meliz, Missie, Missy Bee (greek)

Melita, Malita, Meleta Honey sweet (greek)

Melody, Melodie, Melodi, Melodee, Melodice, Melodia Song (greek)

Melora Improve (latin)

Melosa Sweet (spanish)

Mena, Menna Strength (dutch)

Menasha Island (native american)

Menia Ancient Mythological figure (scandinavian)

Menora, Menorah Candelabra (hebrew)

Meonah, Meona Home (hebrew)

Mercedes, Mercede Mercy (spanish)

Mercia Ancient British kingdom (english)

Meredith, Meridith, Merredith, Merridith, Merry, Merrie, Merri Great ruler (welsh)

Mereuna Version of Maralyn (spanish)

Meri, Meriata Ocean (scandinavian)

Merica, Merika America - minus the M (american)

Meriel, Merial, Meriol, Merrill Brilliant seas (gaelic)

Merima To lift up (hebrew)

Merinda, Merindie, Merindi, Merindy, Merin, Merina A beautiful woman (aboriginal)

Merle, Merline, Merlin, Merlina, Merlynn, Merlynn, Merlinn, Merla, Merlie, Merl Blackbird (french)

Merry, Merrie, Merree, Merri, Merrilee, Merrilie, Merrili, Meri Happy (english)

Meryl, Merryl, Meril, Merril, Merrel, Merel, Meryle Shining sea (english)

Mesi Water (native american)

Messina Middle (latin)

Meusa, Melika, Meli Bee (hawaiian)

Mina First daughter (native american)

Mia Mine (italian)

Miah, Miki The moon (aboriginal)

Michaela, Mikaela, Micaela, Mickaela, Mikayla, Micayla, Mickayla, Michael, Michaella, Michala, Mikella, Mikaila, Micaila, Micky, Mickie, Micki, Miki, Mycheala, Mykaela, Mykyla, Mikyla, Michal, Makayla, Makila, Makaila, Makyla, Makkie, Makky Who resembles God - female version of Michael (hebrew)

Michelle, Michele Who resembles God - female version of Michael (french)

Michiko, Michi Child of beautiful wisdom (japanese)

Micina New moon (native american)

Midori Green (japanese)

Mieko Wealthy (japanese)

Migisi Eagle (native american)

Mignon, Mignonette, Minnionette, Minnonette Cute (french)

Mika New moon (japanese)

Mikala Who is like the lord - version of Michelle (hawaiian)

Mikelle, Mikele Gift from God (english)

Miki, Mikie, Mikiko, Mikky, Mikki, Mikkie Family tree (japanese)

Mikilana Flower (hawaiian)

Milada My love (czech)

Mildred, Mildrid Gentle strength (english)

Milena, Mileena, Millena, Milleena, Milada, Milanka, Milanna Grace (czech)

Miliani, Milana, Miliana Gentle caress (hawaiian)

Milica Hard-working (english)

Millicent, Mellicent, Milicent, Melicent, Millie, Milly, Milli Brave strength (german)

Min Sensitive (chinese)

Mina, Meena, Minna, Minetta, Minetta, Minelle, Minella, Minnie, Minny, Minni Child of the earth (czech)

Minako Beautiful child (japanese)

Mincarlie, Mincarli, Mincarly, Minnie, Minny, Minni, Min Rain (aboriginal)

Minda Wisdom (hindu)

Mindy, Mindie, Mindi Sweet - short for Melinda (english)

Minetta, Minette, Minna, Minnie, Minny, Minni, Minella, Minelli Determined protector - female nickname for William (english)

Minori Village of beautiful fields (japanese)

Minowa Moving voice (native american)

Mirabel, Mirabell, Mirabelle, Mirabella Wonderful (latin)

Miranda, Maranda, Meranda, Myranda, Mira Admirable (latin)

Mirella, Merelle, Myrella, Myrelle God speaks (hebrew)

Mirena Beloved (hawaiian)

Mireya, Maraya, Mirella Admired (spanish)

Miri Mine (gypsy)

Miriam, Mirriam, Mirrian, Mirian, Myriam, Myrian, Mimmie, Mimi, Miriama, Milana, Masha, Mashka, Mame, Mamie, Mamy, Maire, Mair Mairona Star of the sea - an older version of Mary (hebrew)

Mirrin A cloud (aboriginal)

Misae White sun (native american)

Misaki Beauty bloom (japanese)

Misao Loyal (japanese)

Mishka Little bear (russian)

Misty, Mistie, Misti Mist (english)

Mitsu, Mitsulo Light (japanese)

Mitsuko Shining child (japanese)

Mitzi Star of the sea - short for Mary (english)

Miulana Magnolia tree (hawaiian)

Miwa, Miwako Clairvoyant (japanese)

Miya Temple (japanese)

Miyako Beautiful March child (japanese)

Miyo, Miyoko Beautiful generations (japanese)

Miyuki Snow (japanese)

Mizela, Mizella, Mizelle, Mizele, Maselle, Masella, Masela, Masele, Mizelli, Mizzi Unknown meaning (english)

Mizuki Beautiful moon (japanese)

Mizuko Water child (japanese)

Moana Ocean (hawaiian)

Moananani, Mona Beautiful sea (hawaiian)

Moani Light breeze (hawaiian)

Modesty, Modestie, Modesti, Modestia, Modestina, Modestine Modesty (latin)

Moemi Two bears (native american)

Mohala Flower petals unfolding (hawaiian)

Moira Star of the sea - version of Marie (irish)

Molly, Mollie, Molli Star of the sea - pet name for Mary (irish)

Momo Peach (japanese)

Momoe Hundred blessings, hundred rivers (japanese)

Momoko Peach child (japanese)

Mona Noble (irish)

Monday Day of the week (english)

Moneka, Moneca Earth (native american)

Monica, Monika, Monique Adviser or nun (latin)

Monisha Variation of Monica (african american)

Montana Mountain (spanish)

Mora Blueberry (spanish)

Moray Great (scottish)

Moree A spring / water (aboriginal)

Morena, Moreen, Morella Brown haired (portuguese)

Morgan, Morgen, Morganne, Morganna, Morgana, Morgane Great and bright (welsh)

Mori Forest (japanese)

Moriyo, Moriko Forest child (japanese)

Moriah, Moriel, Moriela, Mirielle, Moriella, Moria The Lord is my teacher (hebrew)

Morie Branch (japanese)

Morna Tender (scottish)

Morwenna, Morwena Maiden (welsh)

Moselle, Mozelle Drawn from the water - female version of Moses (hebrew)

Mosi First born (african)

Moyne, Moyna Flat land (irish)

Mu Lan Magnolia blossom (chinese)

Mudiwa Beloved (african)

Muika Sixth day of the week (japanese)

Muireann, Muriainn, Murinnia, Muireanna Long hair (irish)

Muirne Cherished (irish)

Muna Desire (arabic)

Mura Village (japanese)

Murasaki Purple (japanese)

Muriel, Mureal, Murielle, Muriell, Murial Sparkling sea (irish)

Misidora Gift from the Muses (greek)

My Pretty (vietnamese)

Myfanwy, Myff Child of the water (welsh)

Myisha Woman (arabic)

Myla, Mylene, Mylena, Milene, Milena Merciful (american)

Myndee A sycamore (aboriginal)

Myra, Myrah, Myria, Myriah Scented oil (latin)

Myrna, Merna, Mirna Beloved (irish)

Myrtle, Myrta, Myrtilla Plant (english)

Mystique, Mistique, Mytica, Mysicia, Misty, Mistie, Misti Mysterious (french)

Myuna Clear water (aboriginal)