I names for baby girls
Ianthe, Iantha Flower (greek)
Ibony, Iboni Goddess of spring (scandinavian)
Ida, Idelle, Ide, Idia Hardworking (german)
Idda, Ila Earth (hindu)
Idalia, Idaleah, Idaliah, Idalea Behold the sun (greek)
Idelle Bountiful (welsh)
Idra Fig tree, wealth (aramaic)
Idris Hotblooded Lord (welah)
Ieesha, Iesha Alive and well (arabic)
Ikia God helps me (hebrew)
Iku, Ikuko Nurturing (japanese)
Ikara, Ikarie, Icarys, Icerys Unknown meaning (american)
Ila Island (french)
Ilana Tree (hebrew)
Ilaria, Ilarie Cheerful, happy - variant of Hilary (italian)
Ilesha God of the earth (hindu)
Ilea One who comes from the town of trom (english)
Iliana, Ilyana Trojan (greek)
Ilima Flower (hawaiian)
Ilona Pretty (hungarian)
Ilse, Ilsa, Ilsie Pledge of God (german)
Ima, Imako Now (japanese)
Imara Firm (swahili)
Imari, Imarie, Imaria Unknown meaning (american)
Imatra Great waterfall place (finnish)
Imelda, Imalda Embracing the fight (italian)
Imogen, Imogene, Imogine, Imagin, Imagina, Imigen, Imigan Innocent (latin)
Ina Pure (greek)
Inaya Concern (muslim)
India The country (english)
Indiana, Indianna From India (latin)
Indigo Dark blue (latin)
Indre River (french)
Ines, Inez, Inetta Pure (spanish)
Ingrid Beautiful (scandinavian)
Inoa Chant (hawaiian)
Inocenia, Inocenta, Inocentia Innocence (spanish)
Inola Black fox (native american)
Inula Sweet pea flower name (latin)
Io Mythological figure (greek)
Ioanna, Ioanne, Ioana, Ioann Favoured grace (greek)
Iola, Iole, Iolia Worthy God (welsh)
Iolana Violet (hawaiian)
Iolanthe Violet (english)
Iona Scottish Island (greek)
Ione, Ionie, Ioni, Ionia Violet (greek)
Irene, Irena, Ireen, Ireena, Iren, Irini, Iryne, Iryna Peace (greek)
Iris, Irisa, Irisha, Irita Rainbow (greek)
Irma Complete (german)
Irvette Sea friend - female version of Irving (english)Isabel, Isabelle, Isabella, Isabela, Isobel, Isobelle, Isobella, Isobela, Isabele, Isobele, Izabel, Izobel, Izobella, Izabella, Izabele, Izobele, Izzy, Izzie, Issy, Issie, Izi, Isi God's promise - variant of Elizabeth (spanish)
Isadora, Isadore Gift from Iris (latin)Isamu Active (japanese)
Isaura, Isaure Ancient country in Asia (greek)
Isha Woman (hindu)
Ishana, Ishani, Ishanna, Ishanne, Ishann, Ishanie, Ishaney Desire (hindu)
Ishi, Ishie, Ishiko, Ishiyo Stone (japanese)
Isis Godess of Ancient Egypt (egyptian)
Isla Name of a scottish river (scottish)
Isoka, Isoke, Isokie Gift from God (african)
Isra Night trip (arabic)
Ita Thirst - Also the name of a sixth century saint (irish)
Italia From Italy (latin)
Itiah, Itia, Itiya God is here (hebrew)Ito Fibre (japanese)
Iunia Good victory (hawaiian)
Ivalee, Ivalie, Ivaley, Ivali, Ivaleigh Unknown meaning (english)
Ivana, Ivania, Ivanna, Ivannia, Ivannie, Ivanee, Ivanie, Ivanne, Iva God is good - female version of Ivan (slavic)
Ivory, Ivorie, Ivori, Ivary, Ivarie, Ivari, Ivorine Ivory (latin)
Ivria, Ivriah In Abrahams land (hebrew)
Ivy, Ivie, Ivi, Ivey Plant name (english)
Iwa Rock (japanese)
Iwalani Sea bird (hawaiian)
Izola Unknown meaning (american)
Izumi Fountain (japanese)
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