H names for baby boys
Habib Dear, loved (arabic)
Hadar Glorious (scandinavian)
Hadi Rightly guide (arabic)
Hadley, Hedly, Hedley, Hadlee Meadow of heather (english)
Hadrian Black earth (swedish)
Hadriel God's glory (hebrew)
Hadwin, Hadwynn Friend in war (english)
Hagan, Hagen Youthful one (irish)
Hai Sea (vietnamese)
Haig, Haige Enclosed with hedges (english)
Haim Life (hebrew)
Haines, Hanes, Haynes From a vined cottage (english)
Hakan Fiery (native american)
Hakeem, Hakem, Hakim Wise (arabic)
Hakon, Hako Of the highest race (scandinavian)
Halbert Bright hero (english)
Hale, Haley Hero from the hall (english)
Halen Hall (swedish)
Halford Ford in a valley (english)
Hali Sea (greek)
Halim Gentle (arabic)
Hall Worker at the manor (english)
Hallam Valley (english)
Halley, Hally Meadow near the hall
Hallward, Halward Protector of the manor (english)
Halsey, Hallsy, Halsy The island that belongs to Hal (english)
Halstead, Halsted Land of the manor (english)
Halton Manor on the hill (english)
Ham Hot (hebrew)
Hamid, Hammad, Hammed Greatly praised (arabic)
Hamilton, Hamelton Fortified castle (english)
Hamish He who supplants (scottish)
Hamisi, Hanisi Born on Thursday (swahili)
Hamlin, Hamlan Little home lover (german)
Hanan God is good (hebrew)
Handal God is good (german)
Handley, Hanley Clearing in the woods (english)
Hani Happy (arabic)
Hank Ruler of the estate (english)
Hannibal Grace of Baal (phoenician)
Hans, Heinz The Lord is gracious - variant of John (scandinavian)
Hanson, Hansen Son of Hans (scandinavian)
Hoa Good (chinese)
Haral Leader of the army (scottish)
Harbin Little bright warrier (french)
Hardwin Brave friend (english)
Hardy Brave (english)
Harel God's mount (hebrew)
Hari Lion (hindu)
Harkin, Harken Dark red (irish)
Harish, Haresh Lord (hindu)
Harith Capable (arabic)
Harjeet Victorious (hindu)
Harlan. Harlen, Harlin, Harlyn Army land (english)
Harley, Harlie, Harli, Harly, Harlee, Harley Rabbit pasture (english)
Haro First son of a boar (japanese)
Harold, Harald Army power (english)
Harper Harp player (english)
Harris Last name (english)
Harrison, Harrisen Son of Harry (english)
Harry, Harrey, Harrie, Harri Ruler at home (english)
Hartley, Hartlee, Hartly, Hartlie Deer pasture (english)
Harue Born in the spring (japanese)
Harvey, Hervey, Harvy, Harvie Battleworthy (french)
Hasad Harvest (turkish)
Hasant, Hasan, Hasin, Hassan Handsome (swahili)
Hashim, Hasheem Destroyer of evil (arabic)
Hasim To determine (arabic)
Hasin Laughing (hindu)
Hastin Elephant (hindu)
Hassan Handsome (arabic)
Hatim To decide (arabic)
Havel, Havlik, Havlek Small (czech)
Haward High guardian (scandinavian)
Hawley, Hawly, Hawleigh, Hawlee, Hawlie,
Hawli Meadow with headges (english)
Hayden, Haydon, Haden, Hadon, Haddan, Haddon,
Hadyn, Haydn Hill of heather (english)
Hayes, Hays, Hazen Hedges (english)
Hayward Protector of hedged area (english)
Haywood Forest with hedges (english)
Heathcliff, Heath Cliff near an open field (english)
Heaton High town (english)
Hector Steadfast (greek)
Heddwyn Blessed peace (welsh)
Hedeon Tree feller (russian)
Hedrick Unknown meaning (english)
Heinrich, Heinrick, Heinrik, Heinric, Heinryk, Henrich,
Henrik, Henrick, Henryk, Henric Ruler of the estate - version of
Henry (german)
Hekeka To hold fast (hawaiian)
Helgi, Helge Happy (scandinavian)
Helmut Helmet (french)
Hemen Faithful (hebrew)
Hemene Wolf (native american)
Henley, Henly High meadow (english)
Henry, Henrik, Henri Ruler of the home (german)
He-ping Peace (chinese)
Herald Bearer of news (english)
Herbert, Herbie, Herby Shining army (german)
Hercules, Herakles, Hercule Zeus's son (greek)
Herman, Hermann, Hermon, Hermonn Army man (german)
Herrick Leader in war (german)
Hevel Breath (hebrew)
Hewney Green (irish)
Hewson Hugh's son (english)
Hibah Gift (arabic)
Hideo Excellent man (japanese)
Hien Sweet (vietnamese)
Hilary, Hilaire, Hillary, Hillery, Hilery Happy (greek)
Hilel The new moon (arabic)
Hillel Highly praised (hebrew)
Hilton, Hylton Town on a hill (english)
Himesh Snow king (hindu)
Hinun God of rain (native american)
Hiram, Hirom, Hyram, Hyrom My brother is exalted (hebrew)
Hirohito Emperor (japanese)
Hiroshi Generous (japanese)
Hirsh, Hersch, Hershel, Heschel, Herzl, Hertzel, Hertz,
Hersz Deer (hebrew)
Hisham, Hishim To break (arabic)
Hisoka Restrained (japanese)
Hitoshi First (japanese)
Hiuwe, Huko, Hiu Heart (native american)
Ho Good (chinese)
Hoa Flower (vietnamese)
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