O names for baby boys
The most popular O names are Oliver, Owen
and Oscar.
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Some famous O's are;
Ozzy Osbourne, rock star (Black Sabbath)
Orlando Bloom, actor - Pirates of the Caribbean,
Troy, The Lord of the Rings.
Oscar Wilde, author - The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Celebrity baby O's are;
Owen Joseph - Kevin Kline and Phoebe Cates.
Oliver - Goldie Hawn and Bill Hudson.
Owen - Stephen King and Tabitha.
Unpopular / Uncommon but cool names are Oakes, Oakley,
Obie, Orren, Orrik and Osten.
My favourites are Owen, Oakes, Obie and Orin.
Favourite name with meaning is Orpheus which is a Greek
name and means "Beautiful Voice"
Here are the names, their meanings and origins.
Oakes, Oak Near oak trees (english)
Oakley, Oaklie, Oakly, Oaklee Meadow of oak trees (english)
Oba King (nigerian)
Obadiah, Obadias, Obie Servant of God (hebrew)
Obasi Honouring king (nigerian)
Obataiye King of the world (nigerian)
Obayana The King warms himself on the fire (nigerian)
Oberon Royal bear (german)
Obi Heart (nigerian)
Obike Strong family (nigerian)
Ocean, Oceanus Ocean (english)
Octavius, Octavien, Octave, Octavio, Ottavo Eighth (latin)
October The month (english)
Odell, Odey, Odie, Odi Forested hill (english)
Odin One eyed Norse God (scandinavian)
Odinan Fifteenth child (nigerian)
Oddisan Thirteenth son (african)
Odolf Wealthy wolf (german)
Odysseus Angry man (greek)
Ogano Deer pasture (japanese)
Ogden, Ogdan Valley of oak trees (english)
Ohin Chief (native american)
Oisin, Ossin Young deer (irish)
Oistin Respected (irish)
Oko The God Ogun (african)
Okon Born at night (african)
Ola Money (african)
Olaf, Ollaff, Olaff Forefather (scandinavian)
Oleg Holy (russian)
Olery Leader (french)
Olexi, Olex Defender of mankind - version of Alexander (russian)
Oliver, Olivier, Olivar, Olley, Ollie Olive tree (latin)
Omar, Omer Eloquent (hebrew)
Onan Wealthy (turkish)
Onani A glance (african)
Ondré Man warrior - version of André (greek)
Onslow Fan's hill (english)
Oran, Orren, Orin, Orrin, Orran Light; pale (irish)
Orazio, Oraz Prayer (italian)
Orel Golden (latin)
Oren Pine tree (gaelic)
Orion Son of light (greek)
Orlando, Orland, Orlo, Orlondo, Orlan Famous land (italian)
Oro Gold (spanish)
Oron Light (hebrew)
Orrick, Orric, Orik, Oric Old oak tree (english)
Oro Golden (spanish)
Orpheus Beautiful voice (greek)
Orrick, Orick, Orrik, Orric, Oril, Oric Old oak tree (english)
Orrin, Orin Name of a river (english)
Orson, Orsen, Orsan Like a bear (latin)
Orton Shore settlement (english)
Orval, Orvel, Orvil Spear strength (english)
Orville Gold town (french)
Orvin, Orven, Orvan Spear friend (english)
Osbert Bright God (english)
Oscar, Oscer, Oskar, Osker, Ossie, Ozzy Spear of the Gods (english)
Osher Happiness, Good fortune (hebrew)
Osier Near the willows (english)
Osmar Wonderful God (english)
Osric, Osrick, Osrik, Osrek, Osrec, Osreck, Ozrec, Ozrek God's Rule (english)
Osten, Ostin, Ostan Magnificent - version of Austin (french)
Oswald God's power (german)
Oswin, Ozwin, Oswyn, Ozwyn, Oswinn, Oswynn, Ozwinn, Ozwynn God's friend (english)
Othniel God's strength, God's lion (hebrew)
Otis, Ottis, Otys, Oatis, Oates, Otes Wealth, son of Otto (german)
Otto, Odo, Othello, Otho, Ottone Wealth (german)
Owen, Owainn, Owenn, Owain, Owyn, Owynn, Owin, Owinn Well Born - version of Eugine (welsh)
Oz Strength (hebrew)
At 4:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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