J names for baby boys
The most popular J names are Jack, Joshua, Joseph, Jake, Jacob,
Jamie, Joel, John, Jaydon and Jonathan.
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Some famous J's are Jesse James, outlaw. Jack Nicholson, actor.
John Lennon, singer / songwriter and 1/4 of the Beatles. Johnny
Wilkinson, great Rugby player. Jason Leonard, worlds most
capped Rugby player. John Cleese, actor / director / comedian
and part of the Monty Python crew.
Johnny Depp who's birth name is John Christopher Depp II,
actor who has starred in many many films including
Edward Scissorhands / Benny and Joon (one of my favourite
films ever!). Pirates of the Caribbean.
Jeremy Clarkson, journalist and presenter - Top Gear. James May,
also journalist and presenter - Top Gear. Jason Connery, actor and
Sean Connery's son. James Doohan, actor - played Scotty in Star
Trek. Jorge Garcia, actor - plays Hurley / Hugo in the hit series
Lost. Jude Law, actor - starred in many films including the Aviator
and the remake of Alfie.
Some celebrity baby J's are Jasper - Don Johnson's son. James Wilkie -
Sarah Jessica Parker's son.
Jack is as popular with celebrities as it is with the rest of us! Here are
a few celebs who have chosen Jack for their little man ; Johnny Depp,
Gates McFadden, Kim Delaney, Meg Ryan, Luke Perry, Ozzy Ozbourne,
Bill Pullman, Susan Sarandon and William Defoe.
Jaden was the name choice for Andre Agassi and Steffi Graff's son.
For Jada Pinkett and Will Smith's son and for Christian Slater's son.
Some uncommon / unusual but cool names are Jalen, Joran, Jobe,
Javier, Joah and Jobie.
Names increasing in popularity are Jordan, Joe, Jason, Jaylen and
My favourite J name is Jude, and I would have loved to call my
youngest this but my husband just doesn't like it!
Favourite name with meaning is Jericho which means City of the moon.
Do you have a son with a J name?
Here are the J names, their meanings and origins
Jabin God has created (hebrew)
Jacan Trouble (hebrew)
Jacari, Jakari Unknown meaning (american)
Jacinto, Jacindo Hyacinth (spanish)
Jack, Jak The Lord is gracious - variation of John (english)
Jackson Son of Jack (english)
Jacob, Jacobus, Jacoby, Jakob, Jakie, Jake, Jakub Supplanter or heal (hebrew)
Jacy, Jace Moon (native american)
Jadon, Jaden, Jaydon, Jayden God has heard (hebrew)
Jae-hwa Wealthy (korean)
Jael Mountain goat (hebrew)
Jafar River (arabic)
Jagger To haul something (english)
Jahi Dignity (swahili)
Jaimini Victorious one (hindu)
Jairo, Jairus, Jair God enlightens (hebrew)
Jakeem, Jakim Raised up (arabic)
Jal Wanderer (gypsy)
Jalani Mighty (african)
Jalen Calm (african-american)
Jamal, Jamaal, Jamil, Jamel, Jameel Handsome (arabic)
Jamaine German (arabic)
Jamar, Jamarr, Jemar Newly created (african-american)
James, Jaime, Jaimey, Jamie, Jayme, Jaymes, Jaymie, Jimmey, Jimi, Jimmie, Jimmy He who supplants (english)
Jameson, Jamison Son of James (english)
Jan, Janco, Janek, Janos, Jano God is good (czech)
Janesh Lord of the people (hindu)
Janson, Jansen, Janzen Son of Jan (scandinavian)
Janus Roman God . Born in January (english)
Japheth He increases (hebrew)
Jareb, Jarib He struggles (hebrew)
Jared Descending (hebrew)
Jarek Spring (czech)
Jarman, Jarmon, Jarmen German (german)
Jaron, Jaran, Jeron Cry of rejoicing (hebrew)
Jarrett, Jaret, Jarret Brave with a spear (english)
Jarvis, Jervis Honourable (german)
Jashon Unknown definition (african american)
Jason, Jasen, Jaison, Jaisen, Jayson, Jayce, Jace God is my salvation (hebrew)
Jaspal Virtuous (Pakistan)
Jasper, Jaspar Wealthy one (english)
Javan, Javin, Javon, Javen Son of Japheth in the bible (english)
Javas Fast (hindu)
Javier Homeowner (spanish)
Jawhar Jewel (arabic)
Jay, Jaye, Jae, Jai Blue jay (latin)
Jaycee Phonetic name based on initials (american)
Jaylen Combination of Jay and Len - Len meaning strength of a lion (american)
Jazon Healer (polish)
Jean He replaces - French version of John (french)
Jedidiah, Jedidia, Jedd, Jed Beloved of God (hebrew)
Jefferson Son of Jeffrey (english)
Jeffrey, Jeffery, Jefrey, Jeff Peace (german)
Jehan God is good (french)
Jelani, Jalani Strong (african)
Jenkin, Jenken Little John (scandinavian)
Jensi, Jenci Well born (scandinavian)
Jeremy, Jeramy, Jeramie, Jeremie, Jeramey, Jeremey, Jeremee, Jeramee, Jeramias, Jerimia, Jerimiah, Jerrie, Jerry, Jerri, Jemmie, Jem, Jeromy Jehovah exalts (german)
Jerome Holy name (greek)
Jeriah God sees (hebrew)
Jericho, Jerico, Jeriko City of the moon (arabic)
Jermaine, Jermain, Jermane, Jermayne German (german)
Jesse God exists (hebrew)
Jesus The lord is salvation (hebrew)
Jethro, Jeth Eminent (hebrew)
Jett, Jet Aeroplane (english)
Jevin Unknown meaning (african american)
Jex Unknown meaning (english)
Jie Wonderful person (chinese)
Jim, Jimmy, Jimee, Jimmee, Jimmey He who supplants - shortened version of James (hebrew)
Jin Gold (chinese)
Jinan Garden (arabic)
Jiri, Jiran, Jira, Jiranek, Jirik Farmer (czech)
Jiro Second son (japanese)
Jivan Life (hindu)
Joab, Jobe Praise Jehovah (hebrew)
Joah God is his brother (hebrew)
Joash Given by the Lord (hebrew)
Job, Jobe, Joby, Jobie Oppressed (hebrew)
Jody, Jodie, Jodey, Jodi Jehovah increases - nickname for Joseph (english)
Joe, Joey Jehovah increases - nickname for Joseph (english)
Joel God is Lord (hebrew)
Joergen Farmer (scandinavian)
Joffre Surname (french)
Johar Jewel (hindu)
John, Jack, Jock, Johan, Johann, Johannes, Johnie, Jonnie, Jonny, Jovan, Jovin, Jovi, Juan, Juanito, Jackie, Jacky God is gracious. God is good (hebrew)
Johnson, Johnsonn, Johnston, Jonson John's son (english)
Joji Farmer (japanese)
Jojo Born on Monday (african)
Jolon Valley of the oak trees (native american)
Jomei Light (japanese)
Jonah, Jonas Dove (hebrew)
Jonathon, Johnathon, Johnathen, Jonathen, Jonathen, Jonathan, Jonny, Jon Gift fom God (hebrew)
Jonigon Unknown meaning (african american)
Jonte, Johntay, Jontay, Johnte, Jontae, Johntae God is good - variation of John (african american)
Jordan, Jorden, Jorrin, Jordy, Jori, Jory To descend (hebrew)
Jorge, Jorgen Farmer (spanish)
Joseph, Josephe, Jodie, Jody, Jodi, Joe, Jose, Josef, Joseff God increases (hebrew)
Josha, Josh Satisfaction (hindu)
Joshua, Joshy, Josh God is my salvation (hebrew)
Josiah, Josia, Josias God supports (hebrew)
Joza God inceases (czech)
Juan God is gracious - version of John (spanish)
Jude, Judas, Judah, Judson, Judd The praised one (hebrew)
Julian, Julien, Julion, Julyan, Jules, Jule, Julius, Julio Jove's child- Roman clan name (latin)
Jun Truth (chinese)
Junior Young one (english)
Jurgen Farmer - variation of George (german)
Juri Farmer - variation of Georse (slavic)
Justin, Justyn, Juston, Justen, Justino, Justo Just (latin)
Juwan Unknown meaning (african american)
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