F names for baby boys
Names for baby boys beginning F
The most popular F names are Finlay and Finley.
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Some famous F's are Frank Sinatra, singer and
dancer - From here to Eternity, Suddenly, The
Man with the Golden Arm, Oceans Eleven.
Frank Lampard - Football player for Chelsea.
Frankie Howerd - Born Francis Alick Howerd-
comedian and actor - Up Pompeii, Carry on
films and many other comedy's.
Finlay Currie, actor - Ben-Hur, Treasure Island,
Ivanhoe, The Prisoner, Alice in Wonderland.
Celebrity baby F's are;
Freedom - Ving Rhames and Deborah Reed
Felix Luther - Roger Taylor and Dominique Beyrand.
Finnigan - Eric McCormack
Finlay Munro - Sadie Frost and Gary Kemp.
Names increasing in popularity are Finn and Flynn.
Unusual but cool names are Fane, Faron, Finian,
Fitch, Fletcher and Frazer.
My favourites are Finley, Fynn, Finian and Fletcher.
Favourite name with meaning is Farrell which is an
Irish name and means courageous man or Hero.
Here are F names, their meanings and origins.
Fa Beginning (chinese)
Fabian, Faber, Fabien, Fabio, Fabius, Faba, Fabek One who grows beans (latin)
Fabrice He who works with his hands (french)
Fadey, Faddei Bold (russian)
Fagan, Fagin Eager child (irish)
Fai Beginning (chinese)
Faine, Fain, Fane Good-natured, happy (english)
Fairfax Blond (english)
Fairleigh, Fairlay, Farlie, Farley Meadow with bulls (english)
Falak Heaven (hindu)
Falan Fertile (hindu)
Falkner Falcon trainer (english)
Fane Happy (english)
Fang Wind (chinese)
Faolan Little wolf (irish)
Fareed Unique (hindu)
Faris Knight (arabic)
Farnham, Farnam Meadow of the ferns (english)
Farnley, Farnleigh, Fernley, Fernleigh Field with ferns (english)
Farold Voyager (english)
Faron, Faran, Farin, Farron, Farran, Farrin Pharoah (spanish)
Farrell, Farall, Farrel, Farral Courageous Man, hero (irish)
Farris, Faris Iron strong (english)
Faunus God of forests (latin)
Faust Good luck (latin)
Favian Man of wisdom (latin)
Faxon Long hair (german)
Feleti Peace (italian)
Felim Ever good (irish)
Felipe Lover of horses - form of Phillip (spanish)
Felix Happy go lucky (latin)
Fenton Town by a swamp (english)
Fenwick Farm by a swamp (english)
Ferald Unknown meaning (american)
Ferdinand, Ferdinando, Fernando Brave voyager (german)
Fergal, Fergus, Ferris Supreme man, highest choice (irish)
Ferguson Son of Fergus (scottish)
Ferl Unknown meaning (American-Utah)
Fernley, Fernley, Fernleigh Meadow of ferns (english)
Ferrand, Ferand, Farrand, Farand Grey hair (french)
Ferrin, Ferron Unknown meaning (american)
Ferris Iron worker (gaelic)
Fico A fig (italian)
Fidel, Fidal, Fidele, Fidelio Faithful (latin)
Filmore, Fillmore, Filmer Famous (english)
Finan, Fionan Blonde child (irish)
Finbar Blonde hair (irish)
Fingall, Fingal Fair haired (scottish)
Finian, Finnian, Fionn, Fin, Finnegan Fair (irish)
Finlay, Finley, Finn, Fin Fair hero (scottish)
Fintan, Finton Little fair one (irish)
Fionnlagh Fair haired soldier (scottish)
Fiorello Little flower (italian)
Firdos, Firdose, Firdous, Firdoze Paradise (hindu)
Firoz, Feroz, Firoze, Feroze Winner (hindu)
Firth Forest (english)
Fisk, Fiske Fish (english)
Fitch The name of an animal similar to a ferret (english)
Fitz Son (english)
Fitzgerald Son of a mighty spear ruler (english)
Fitzhugh Son of an intelligent man (german)
Fitzpatrick Son of a statesman (irish)
Fitzwilliam Son of a soldier (irish)
Fitzroy Son of a King (english)
Flaminio Roman Priest (spanish)
Flannery, Flaine, Flann, Flannan Red hair (irish)
Flavian, Flavio, Flavia, Flavien Yellow hair (latin)
Fleming, Flemming Man from the valley (english)
Fletcher, Fletch Arrow maker (english)
Flint Stream (english)
Florent, Florenz In Flower (french)
Florian, Florien, Floryan, Floryen, Florino Flower (latin)
Floris Blossoming (scandinavian)
Floyd, Flloyd Grey hair (welsh)
Flurry In bloom (irish)
Flynn, Flinn, Flyn, Flin Ruddy-complected (irish)
Foluke Placed in God's hand's (african)
Forbes Field (scottish)
Ford River crossing (english)
Forest, Forrest, Forrester, Forester, Forster, Foster Woodsman (french)
Fortune, Fortunio Lucky (french)
Francis, Francisco, Franco, Francois, Frankie, Franky, Frank,
Franc, Fran Frenchman (latin)
Franklin, Frans Free property owner (english)
Franz, Franzen Frenchman (german)
Fraser, Frazer, Frasier, Frazier, Frase, Fraze Town in France (english)
Frayne, Fraine, Frayn, Frain, Freyne, Freyn Foriegn (english)
Frederick, Frederich, Frederic, Frederik, Fredrick, Fredrich, Fredric, Fredrik, Fritz, Fred, Freddy, Freddie, Freddi, Federico Peaceful leader (german)
Freed Free, peace (english)
Freedom Liberty (english)
Freeman, Freemon Free man (english)
Frewin, Frewen Free friend (english)
Frey Supreme lord (scandinavian)
Frick Brave (english)
Fridolf Calm wolf (english)
Fritz, Fritzroy Peaceful ruler (german)
Frode Wise (scandinavian)
Frodi Ancient Danish King (scandinavian)
Fuad Heart (arabic)
Fuller One who shrinks cloth (english)
Fulton Peoples town (english)
Fynn River name (african)
The most popular F names are Finlay and Finley.
Find a middle name
Some famous F's are Frank Sinatra, singer and
dancer - From here to Eternity, Suddenly, The
Man with the Golden Arm, Oceans Eleven.
Frank Lampard - Football player for Chelsea.
Frankie Howerd - Born Francis Alick Howerd-
comedian and actor - Up Pompeii, Carry on
films and many other comedy's.
Finlay Currie, actor - Ben-Hur, Treasure Island,
Ivanhoe, The Prisoner, Alice in Wonderland.
Celebrity baby F's are;
Freedom - Ving Rhames and Deborah Reed
Felix Luther - Roger Taylor and Dominique Beyrand.
Finnigan - Eric McCormack
Finlay Munro - Sadie Frost and Gary Kemp.
Names increasing in popularity are Finn and Flynn.
Unusual but cool names are Fane, Faron, Finian,
Fitch, Fletcher and Frazer.
My favourites are Finley, Fynn, Finian and Fletcher.
Favourite name with meaning is Farrell which is an
Irish name and means courageous man or Hero.
Here are F names, their meanings and origins.
Fa Beginning (chinese)
Fabian, Faber, Fabien, Fabio, Fabius, Faba, Fabek One who grows beans (latin)
Fabrice He who works with his hands (french)
Fadey, Faddei Bold (russian)
Fagan, Fagin Eager child (irish)
Fai Beginning (chinese)
Faine, Fain, Fane Good-natured, happy (english)
Fairfax Blond (english)
Fairleigh, Fairlay, Farlie, Farley Meadow with bulls (english)
Falak Heaven (hindu)
Falan Fertile (hindu)
Falkner Falcon trainer (english)
Fane Happy (english)
Fang Wind (chinese)
Faolan Little wolf (irish)
Fareed Unique (hindu)
Faris Knight (arabic)
Farnham, Farnam Meadow of the ferns (english)
Farnley, Farnleigh, Fernley, Fernleigh Field with ferns (english)
Farold Voyager (english)
Faron, Faran, Farin, Farron, Farran, Farrin Pharoah (spanish)
Farrell, Farall, Farrel, Farral Courageous Man, hero (irish)
Farris, Faris Iron strong (english)
Faunus God of forests (latin)
Faust Good luck (latin)
Favian Man of wisdom (latin)
Faxon Long hair (german)
Feleti Peace (italian)
Felim Ever good (irish)
Felipe Lover of horses - form of Phillip (spanish)
Felix Happy go lucky (latin)
Fenton Town by a swamp (english)
Fenwick Farm by a swamp (english)
Ferald Unknown meaning (american)
Ferdinand, Ferdinando, Fernando Brave voyager (german)
Fergal, Fergus, Ferris Supreme man, highest choice (irish)
Ferguson Son of Fergus (scottish)
Ferl Unknown meaning (American-Utah)
Fernley, Fernley, Fernleigh Meadow of ferns (english)
Ferrand, Ferand, Farrand, Farand Grey hair (french)
Ferrin, Ferron Unknown meaning (american)
Ferris Iron worker (gaelic)
Fico A fig (italian)
Fidel, Fidal, Fidele, Fidelio Faithful (latin)
Filmore, Fillmore, Filmer Famous (english)
Finan, Fionan Blonde child (irish)
Finbar Blonde hair (irish)
Fingall, Fingal Fair haired (scottish)
Finian, Finnian, Fionn, Fin, Finnegan Fair (irish)
Finlay, Finley, Finn, Fin Fair hero (scottish)
Fintan, Finton Little fair one (irish)
Fionnlagh Fair haired soldier (scottish)
Fiorello Little flower (italian)
Firdos, Firdose, Firdous, Firdoze Paradise (hindu)
Firoz, Feroz, Firoze, Feroze Winner (hindu)
Firth Forest (english)
Fisk, Fiske Fish (english)
Fitch The name of an animal similar to a ferret (english)
Fitz Son (english)
Fitzgerald Son of a mighty spear ruler (english)
Fitzhugh Son of an intelligent man (german)
Fitzpatrick Son of a statesman (irish)
Fitzwilliam Son of a soldier (irish)
Fitzroy Son of a King (english)
Flaminio Roman Priest (spanish)
Flannery, Flaine, Flann, Flannan Red hair (irish)
Flavian, Flavio, Flavia, Flavien Yellow hair (latin)
Fleming, Flemming Man from the valley (english)
Fletcher, Fletch Arrow maker (english)
Flint Stream (english)
Florent, Florenz In Flower (french)
Florian, Florien, Floryan, Floryen, Florino Flower (latin)
Floris Blossoming (scandinavian)
Floyd, Flloyd Grey hair (welsh)
Flurry In bloom (irish)
Flynn, Flinn, Flyn, Flin Ruddy-complected (irish)
Foluke Placed in God's hand's (african)
Forbes Field (scottish)
Ford River crossing (english)
Forest, Forrest, Forrester, Forester, Forster, Foster Woodsman (french)
Fortune, Fortunio Lucky (french)
Francis, Francisco, Franco, Francois, Frankie, Franky, Frank,
Franc, Fran Frenchman (latin)
Franklin, Frans Free property owner (english)
Franz, Franzen Frenchman (german)
Fraser, Frazer, Frasier, Frazier, Frase, Fraze Town in France (english)
Frayne, Fraine, Frayn, Frain, Freyne, Freyn Foriegn (english)
Frederick, Frederich, Frederic, Frederik, Fredrick, Fredrich, Fredric, Fredrik, Fritz, Fred, Freddy, Freddie, Freddi, Federico Peaceful leader (german)
Freed Free, peace (english)
Freedom Liberty (english)
Freeman, Freemon Free man (english)
Frewin, Frewen Free friend (english)
Frey Supreme lord (scandinavian)
Frick Brave (english)
Fridolf Calm wolf (english)
Fritz, Fritzroy Peaceful ruler (german)
Frode Wise (scandinavian)
Frodi Ancient Danish King (scandinavian)
Fuad Heart (arabic)
Fuller One who shrinks cloth (english)
Fulton Peoples town (english)
Fynn River name (african)
At 2:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
At 12:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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